How do snakes mate? Features of mating games and mating
Almost all snakes reproduce sexually. Only certain species have the ability to parthenogenesis. Reproduction is carried out without the participation of the male. A rare exception are hermaphrodite snakes. These individuals act as males in some cases, and as females in others. The existence of such snakes in nature is quite effective for the species as a whole. In most species, it is quite difficult to distinguish a female from a male. Among the visible differences can be noted the size of the body. Male snakes are usually larger than females.
Mating season
It starts in the spring. The courtship of males for females, due to the external features of snakes, is quite simple. Female during mating season highlights a specific secret, the smell of which attracts males. The male crawls along her trail, catches up and tries to stop her, blocking her path. Sometimes snakes can observe behavior that is somewhat reminiscent of affection. The male begins to cuddle up to the female, crawl with her, repeating all her curves. Some even stroke it with their heads. Males of some species of snakes show aggression. They may bite the female on the back or neck. Before mating, mating tournaments can be observed. “Clarification of relations” between males performs two functions:
- The individual that will mate with the female is determined.
- The distribution of males in the population is regulated.
The numerical superiority of males guarantees the fertilization of each female in a short period. This is especially important for those snakes that inhabit the northern latitudes. Mating tournaments can take place in the presence of a female. She is outwardly indifferently watching the fight. But the main purpose of the snake ritual is not to show its strength to the female. The task of the male is to drive away the opponent. The presence of a female is not required at all. Tournaments at snakes occur not because she is nearby, but at each meeting of males in the mating season.
Negative aspects of marriage games
As a rule, male individuals do not injure each other. However, representatives of some species experience severe stress after such tournaments. For example, this happens during contractions of moccasins. The competition of these snakes is not dangerous for them in the physical sense, despite the fact that they are poisonous. But the losing males of these snakes experience the defeat so strongly that their interest in mating is significantly reduced.
In nature, during the mating season, you can meet two snakes high front. They wrap their bodies around and sway rhythmically, looking at each other. This behavior is common, for example, among vipers. Each male tries to rise above the other. Intertwining, snakes can push each other, trying to overturn. Eventually, the intertwined bodies fall to the ground. It is not completely clear how exactly the winner is revealed, but one of the rivals crawls away. In other snakes, such a ritual takes place on the water. Usually the winner is the largest individual.
A tangle of snakes
A large cluster of snakes in one place is associated with something terrible and magical. But in fact, such “balls” are found in nature only during mating seasonwhen the snakes begin to mate. A female common grass snake, ready for mating, attracts about 20 males. They do not fight each other, do not show aggression. But at the same time, each male tries to prevent the female from mating with any of the rivals. Sometimes several hundred males gather around her. There is a real fight going on inside the coil of snakes.
How do snakes mate?
The genitals of snakes are located in the tail part of the body, on both sides of the spine. With their channels, they open into the cloaca. Mating snakes, as a rule, group. Males leave their shelters earlier. Females usually crawl out one at a time. On the surface, more than a hundred fans can wait for her. Female ready to mate quite quickly appears in the center of the tangle. Each male tends to “seal” her cloaca with a cork. This is the essence of mating. As soon as one of the males succeeds, no one else will be able to fertilize her this season. After mating, the female stops secreting the secret. The rest of the rivals are spreading out in search of new partners.
Features of reproduction
Snakes can be:
- Viviparous.
- Laying eggs.
- Ovoviviparous.
In the latter case, snakes give birth to fully developed babies. An egg is also formed at the bottom of their tail. But it remains in the body until the appearance of the cubs. These snakes include some vipers and boas. In viviparous snakes, offspring also feed on yolk. But the breathing of the fetus is carried out due to the connection with the metabolic processes in the body of the female. The remaining snakes lay eggs protected by a leathery shell and containing a large amount of yolk.