How are cat shows
A cat show is a great opportunity to show yourself and look at others. This article will help you figure out how to get to such an event with your pet.
Exhibitions are organized by cat lovers clubs, which are part of the structure of international felinological organizations. These initiatives have many goals. This is the popularization of the movement, and the exchange of experience between enthusiasts, and the opportunity to find a pair for mating. For those who are just about to become an owner, there is a chance to get a thoroughbred kitten from a good breeder.
How to take part in a cat show
The first step is to get vaccinated against rabies, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and calicivirus. From the moment of vaccination to the start of the exhibition, at least 4 weeks and no more than 12 months must pass. Information about the vaccination is entered in the veterinary passport, which must be taken with you. You will also need some other documents:
- a copy of the pedigree (if available);
- certificate form No. 4;
- reference form No. 1, if the exhibition is held in another city;
- original and copy of the owner’s passport.
Next, you should study the poster of exhibitions (for example, follow the TopCat rating) and select the appropriate event. Next, you need to apply and pay the participation fee, most often this can be done online.
How to prepare a cat for an exhibition
To participate, you will need the following inventory:
- cage with shutters;
- couch or bedding;
- tray with filler and scoop;
- two bowls – with water and food;
- a little treat that your cat loves;
- 2-3 toys;
- disposable diaper for passing veterinary control;
- disinfectant and antiseptic wipes for surface treatment.
A few days before the event, the cat should be washed with a shampoo that improves the appearance of the coat. On the eve of the exhibition, it should be combed, ears cleaned, claws trimmed. There should be no fleas and traces of inflammatory processes on the body. Watery eyes are also unacceptable.
How is the cat show going?
It is better to come to the exhibition 1-2 hours before the official opening in order to have time to undergo a doctor’s examination and prepare the place. If you do not do everything on time, the cat may not even be allowed to the exhibition.
The regulation provides for several mandatory steps.
- Registration. Immediately upon arrival, you should give the organizers the documents, and in return receive a catalog and registration number.
- Veterinary control. The cat is brought to the doctor’s table and seated on a spread diaper. If everything is in order with her health, the veterinarian will issue a ticket, which must be kept until the end of the event.
- Accommodation. In the indicated place you need to put a cage and a registration number. Often, participants are allowed to choose their own seats, and the best ones go to the first to arrive – another argument to come to the exhibition in advance.
- Expert review. The judge examines the cat and issues a conclusion.
- Demonstration. Time for spectators. Everyone who wants to walk around the hall, look at the contestants, ask questions to their owners.
- Summing up and issuing diplomas.
If you find that your cat is clearly visually impaired, consult your veterinarian immediately. Maybe she’s allergic to the new detergent or the dust. An infectious disease is also possible. Do not under any circumstances treat yourself. The veterinarian will conduct a thorough examination of the pet and prescribe the necessary treatment.
The most important of the stages is the examination of cats. It can be carried out in accordance with one of the systems: European or American. According to the European system, the stewards take the cats in turn to the expert’s table. The judge compares the contestant with the breed standard and enters his characteristics in the form. Third parties are not present.
The American system is more spectacular, which is why it is especially popular. All cats are placed in cages in the ring. The judges, accompanied by the audience, go from pet to pet, pronounce their advantages and disadvantages aloud, and reward those they like with ribbons-ribbons.
Winning the title based on the results of one exhibition will not work – this is how felinological organizations try to minimize the factor of judges’ subjectivity. By gaining points at exhibitions, the pet gets the right to compete in more and more prestigious classes and claim more significant titles. In particular, in Russia, WCF, the World Cat Federation, has the greatest weight.
Titles of cats according to the WCF system are awarded as follows: first, the applicant is declared to participate in the open class (candidates for Champions). Having received marks from three different judges at licensed exhibitions, he becomes the owner of the title of Champion of the Breed and goes into the Champion class (candidates for International Champions). Here the rules are almost the same, but marks must be obtained at exhibitions in at least two different federal districts of Russia. There are six successive titles in total, and to win the highest title – World Champion – you will have to go to exhibitions in three different countries, one of which is located on another continent. The path is difficult and long, for its passage both the owner and the cat must love to be exhibited at exhibitions.
Is it possible to get to the exhibition with a cat without a pedigree
For ordinary domestic cats (as well as thoroughbred, but without a pedigree), there is a class Pet. Since there can be no question of compliance with the breed standard for such pets, they are evaluated at the examination according to other criteria: physical form, harmonious physique, beauty of the coat. Character plays an important role: a contact and friendly Murka has a much higher chance of winning.