Holidays without problems, or digestive disorders in cats
The long-awaited expectation and preparation for the holiday, the outfits, the arrival of guests and, of course, the festive table with exquisite delicacies – is this not happiness? But in a pleasant bustle, do not forget to take care of your pets, because during the noisy holidays they need it more than usual!
Many cats have a hard time with noisy holidays. The arrival of guests, loud music, fireworks and firecrackers outside the window – all this can greatly scare them. In a stressful situation, some cats become restless and tend to play pranks, while others clog under the bed and do not come out for several hours (or even days).
Another serious danger is the festive table. If your cat isn’t shy and hiding in a “shelter”, she may beg for food from guests or lay siege to plates while no one is watching. In addition, it is very difficult not to treat her with a piece of cold cuts, after all, it’s a holiday! Arguments of reason and attentiveness sometimes go by the wayside, and as a result, due to unusual food, the pet starts diarrhea!
Stress and feeding food from the table provoke diarrhea in animals!
Indigestion in cats can ruin everyone’s holiday. The pet feels bad, he worries and often runs to the tray, and the owner has to clean up after him no less often. But even if the cat does not eat a single piece from the table, it is impossible to protect it from stress when there is fun and noise around. What to do?
It is not worth resorting to the help of drugs without urgent need and the appointment of a specialist. But it will be useful to support the body with special feed additives. High-quality remedies quickly cope with acute diarrhea and, unlike antibiotics, have no contraindications, side effects and withdrawal syndrome.
The principle of action of such additives can be considered on the example of the probiotic “ProColin +”. Some components of its composition (kaolin and pectin), like a sponge, absorb toxins and harmful substances and remove them from the body. And others (pro- and prebiotics) inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, even out the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system (by the way, 70% of immunocompetent cells are located in the intestine). It’s like a natural “ambulance” without leaving home.
But, of course, you should not focus only on additives. Ask guests ahead of time not to feed or disturb your cat if she doesn’t feel like interacting. Special toys for cats help fight stress. Perhaps, carried away by your favorite toy (especially if it is scented with catnip or lavender), your beauty will not even hear firecrackers. Another way to reduce stress is through natural soothing sprays designed specifically for stress relief and behavior modification in pets, as well as soothing L-Tryptophan supplements (such as Cystophane).
Suspicious, anxiety-prone cats are advised to give a sedative a few days before the holidays (it is prescribed by a veterinarian). This will help prepare the nervous system and avoid severe anxiety.
Do not forget that stool disorders and stress (especially if they occur periodically) hit the body hard. Don’t underestimate this issue!
Love your pets and don’t forget about them, even if you have a full house of guests. They can’t do it without you!