History of hunting dog breeding
Four-legged helpers were highly valued for their ability to drive and poison a wild beast. Over time, the specialization of hunting dogs began to develop, different breeds were formed. Some pickling dogs, with a good instinct and voice, were used for hunting in forest and mountain forest lands, others – in open space, they were distinguished by agility and vigilance.
Russian empire
The end of the first period of development of Russian hunting dog breeding is considered to be the end of the XNUMXth century, when breed groups of dogs crystallized. This happened, albeit spontaneously, but still, to one degree or another, under the influence of hunting use. So there were two directions in the development of huskies: animal and commercial. Then the first Russian greyhounds, oriental hounds, arose. The latter were good for driving game in the net, for falconry. Hounds were also widely used in dog hunting. They not only searched for the beast, but drove it to mounted hunters with greyhounds. By the middle of the XNUMXth century, such hunting had lost popularity, it was replaced by a gun hunt with a hound.

Wealthy people, mostly landowners, were engaged in breeding dogs. The Imperial Society of Hunting patronized dog breeding, there was an agreement with hunting institutions in other countries that recognized Russian pedigrees since 1898.
the USSR
The consequences of the revolution of 1917 led to the fact that the number of pedigree hunting dogs practically disappeared, only a few remained. The newly created hunting organizations had to start working almost from scratch. In 1923, the first exhibitions of hunting dogs were held in Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl. For their reproduction, state nurseries were created, where they began to conduct breeding work. This was given such great importance that even during the war, in 1943-44, 65 hospitals were created to improve the livestock of hunting dogs.
Congresses and conferences of cynologists gradually developed breed standards, rules for exhibitions, tests, and the direction of breeding work. All these efforts became the basis for the effective development of hunting dog breeding – a stable reproduction of huskies, greyhounds, hounds, cops, setters, and wire-haired fox terriers appeared.

Russian Federation
Dog breeding in the country continues to develop successfully today, it is regulated by the order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 191-rp. “On the national system of cynological activities and dog breeding in the Russian Federation.”
The Federation of Hunting Dog Breeding also plays an important role. This all-Russian public organization pays great attention to the training of professional trainers in hunting dog breeding, breeding of hunting dogs, their field tests at the level of modern zootechnical and hunting requirements. Interregional, all-Russian and international exhibitions and competitions of hunting dogs are regularly held.