Hiccups in dogs: why puppies hiccup and what to do in this case
Hiccups in puppies are quite normal. Dogs may hiccup due to overeating or severe fright. In some cases, finding a clear cause is almost impossible. Moreover, dog breeders sometimes do not notice hiccups in a pet at all. In fact, this phenomenon is a convulsive reflex breath, during which the diaphragm is sharply reduced.
What do puppy owners need to know?
Hiccups in dogs manifest themselves in the same way as in humans. Scientifically speaking, there is a convulsive contraction of the diaphragmatic muscles. The diaphragm itself is a muscular septum that separates the sternum from the abdominal organs.
In most cases in young dogs diaphragm contraction happens very abruptly. In this case, attacks of suffocation are possible, which do not last very long. During hiccups, a characteristic sound occurs, the cause of which is the involuntary and very rapid closure of the glottis. Thanks to numerous studies, it became known that for the first time puppies begin to hiccup in the womb.
As a rule, hiccups in pets begin for no apparent reason. This phenomenon is completely harmless.
Hiccups divided into two types depending on duration:
- Short-term. It is observed mainly in puppies as a result of overfeeding or eating food too quickly. Also, dogs may hiccup briefly when they do not have enough liquid food in their diet.
- Long. Some puppies may hiccup for an hour or more. As a rule, the cause of this phenomenon is the ingress of a foreign object into the stomach, helminthic invasion, or various diseases of the digestive system.
Why does the dog hiccup
Exist many causative factorsthat cause puppies to hiccup:
- Abrupt filling of the stomach. A similar phenomenon occurs if the dog eats greedily. Also, hiccups often occur due to the fact that the owner gives the pet only dry food or does not provide enough water. By the way, experts recommend using dry food pre-soaked in water for feeding puppies.
- Hiccups in puppies often appear after active games with other pets or owners. As a result of such activity, the nasopharynx of the animal dries up, which causes hiccups. In this case, it is enough to give the pet some water.
- Many owners are looking for an answer to the question of why puppies hiccup without realizing that cause is hypothermia. This is especially true for representatives of short-haired breeds. Such dogs need to be dressed, even if they are constantly in the apartment. In particular, this applies to cases where there is a draft in the room.
- If the hiccups last too long, that is, more than an hour, you must urgently contact a veterinarian, because the cause of such a long-term phenomenon may be acute gastritis, dirofilariasis, worms, or the presence of some foreign object in the stomach.
- In some cases, hiccups in dogs are caused by dysfunction of the central nervous system. For example, these may be complications after a previously transferred distemper. In this case, other symptoms are observed.
- Very often, hiccups are observed in puppies. This is because babies are very sensitive to any external factors.
- Often, prolonged hiccups are a harbinger of a heart attack. Therefore, do not delay contacting the veterinary clinic.
How to eliminate hiccups in a dog?
- If the animal hiccups immediately after eating, it needs to be given some warm clean water. You can also offer your pet a piece of sugar.
- If too rapid ingestion of food and air leads to the occurrence of the phenomenon, it is enough gently massage the belly dogs.
- In the case when hiccups are observed very often, it is necessary to make sure that there are no worms. It is best to resort to the preventive use of appropriate drugs. If hiccups still persist after taking them, you should contact your veterinarian to determine the exact cause.
- When the animal does not stop hiccupping for a long time, you can gently take the dog by the front paws so that it stands on its hind legs and stands like that for 2-3 minutes. After that, pets almost always stop looking.
- In some cases it is shown taking special medications. So, dogs are given metoclopramide, that is, a dopamine receptor blocker. It helps to eliminate hiccups caused by dysfunction of the digestive system. Sometimes the introduction of tranquilizers and neuroleptics, namely seduxen, etaperazine or chlorpromazine, is indicated. These drugs are used only as directed by a doctor.
- Puppies need to be fed, given the daily rate. This is especially true for dry food, which is rich in nutrients, which greatly burdens the digestive system. It must be remembered that food for dogs younger than 6 months is pre-soaked in water.
In most cases, hiccups in puppies goes by itself. It is enough to make sure that the dog has access to clean warm water. You should also avoid overfeeding your pet and periodically give him drugs for worms.