Heterochromia in cats: how cats with different eye colors appear
Cats with multi-colored eyes are not so common, and therefore they attract attention with their unusual appearance. This feature is called heterochromia and in the culture of many nations is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. What is the reason for this phenomenon?
As a rule, two-tone eyes are not associated with diseases or dangerous anomalies in the pet’s body: it is simply a violation of the production of pigment in the iris. Sometimes heterochromia is inherited, which is why it is more common in some cat breeds than others.
There are several types of heterochromia:
- complete (each eye is completely colored in its own color);
- ring (the central part of the iris is colored differently than the outer one);
- sectoral (the sector of the iris is colored in a different color).
Partial heterochromia – ring and sectoral – is much less common than complete. It can occur in one eye or both.
Why do cats have different eyes
All kittens are born with blue eyes, but on the 6-7th week the color gradually changes. This is due to the fact that melanocyte cells in the iris begin to produce melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the eyes. But in a cat with heterochromia, melanin is unevenly distributed. If the pigment concentration is lowered, the eye has a blue color. If increased – yellow, amber, green, orange or copper.
Melanin is also responsible for the color of a cat’s coat, which is why pets with white spots or all-white coats are more likely to have blue eyes. Such animals are more likely to develop heterochromia. If the breed does not imply white spots, such as the Russian Blue, then the appearance of a kitten with different eyes is excluded.
Heterochromia in cats: consequences
If this feature is congenital, then it is usually not dangerous for pets and does not affect health. The exception is completely white cats with different eye colors. It is known that the gene for white color, which is designated as W, is associated with deafness, and white kittens with blue eyes are often born with hearing impairments. A white cat with heterochromia may have unilateral deafness in the blue eye.
If a pet has acquired a two-colored eye already in adulthood, some diseases may be the cause – such as leukemia, neuroblastoma, diabetes etc. It is recommended to visit a veterinarian and conduct an examination to rule out dangerous diseases. Also, the shade of the iris can be affected by eye drops that are used for glaucoma.
Cat breeds with common heterochromia
Bicolor eyes in cats can be inherited, in which case they become a characteristic feature of some breeds. Among them:
- khao-mani,
- turkish van,
- angora.
Khao Mani is a graceful cat with short white hair. This is an ancient breed from Thailand, whose name translates as “white gem”. For centuries, only members of the royal family could own pets of this breed.
Turkish van – the main symbol of the city of Van in Turkey. The ancestors of this breed were fishing cats from the shores of the lake of the same name. Every tourist who comes to this city buys a souvenir in the form of a van cat, and is also photographed against the backdrop of a huge monument to the odd-eyed cat.
Angora cats almost disappeared due to numerous wars in Turkey. This breed was saved only thanks to the efforts of the authorities. At the moment, the breed has the status of a national treasure and is under the special patronage of state bodies.
See also:
Why do cats eyes glow in the dark? Tricolor cat: how do cats of this color appear How to determine the breed of a cat by external signs