Helanthium tender
Helanthium tender, scientific name Helanthium tenellum. Formerly known as Echinodorus tenellus (Echinodorus tenellus), it is still used more often, so it can be considered a synonym. The plant is native to South America, where it is widely distributed throughout the Amazon basin, growing in shallow water along the banks of rivers and streams.
Outwardly, it resembles low-growing grass. It has narrow pointed leaves of light green or olive color with a pale reddish tinge of the upper surface. Leaf blades reach a length of 6-10 cm, up to one and a half cm wide. A new breeding form of Helanthium tenellum “parvulum” is cultivated in the USA, which is distinguished by bright green and wider (up to 2 cm) leaves.
Helanthium tender perfectly adapts to various conditions (temperature, light) and does not need additional top dressing of the soil. In an aquarium with fish, fertilizer is usually not required, their waste products will be excellent fertilizers.