Harness for a cat: how to wear, what leashes are, how to teach a cat to a harness
Cats and dogs are the most beloved pets, they have been living side by side with humans for more than a thousand years. And caring owners are constantly inventing new household items for their pets that help in care. The harness for cats is one of the most popular accessories purchased in pet salons in recent times.
Not so long ago, the place of the cat was at the stove, the animal lay warm, occasionally catching mice in the cellar. Modern cats often lead a much richer social life. Together with their owners, they travel around different countries, walk in parks and participate in international exhibitions. You can’t do without trips and with the necessary visit to the veterinarian.
How to put a harness on a cat, what are they for
Leave provides security for an animal, the cat will not get under the car, will not get lost and will not get lost. And the owner will feel much calmer and more confident when he gets used to putting a leash on the cat on every trip to the veterinarian, traveling in a car to the country, on public transport trips.
When planning to put a harness on a cat, it is important to consider how it differs from dog collars. The design consists of a thin strap that wraps around the animal in the area of the shoulder blades, fastens on the stomach or on the back. The shoulder blades also have a ring for a light leash. Many models also include a neck strap, a thin collar, it will be more difficult for a cat to get out of such a “eight”, such a model is considered more reliable.
How to choose a harness for a cat?
Cats are very sensitive to the slightest discomfort, so the leash must be chosen carefully at the pet store, paying attention to the material and strength. Harnesses are most often made from cotton, nylon or elastic nylon.
Models from different manufacturers differ in options:
- felt lining,
- reflectors for evening walks,
- universal sizes,
- suede, velvet, velvet harnesses,
- special harnesses for kittens.
A set of a harness with a Chinese-made leash will cost the cat owner cheaper, but the owner is at risk, because such leashes are often not very strong, and a strong adult cat will easily fall off such a leash.
Jumpsuit variant
For cats who cannot tolerate strap loops, sold harnesses-overalls. This accessory does not cut into the body of the animal when pulled, the cat will not notice it. In such a leash, the animal will definitely not get confused, it will not catch on something, it will not get stuck, as sometimes happens with belts. And the bright or unusual coloring of the jumpsuit will highlight the pet against the background of the bushes and give it style and originality.
The main task of the harness is to prevent the cat from escaping. Therefore, the main thing is to choose the right size of the accessory. It should tightly fit the body of the animal, but between it and the belt there should be a distance in the owner’s finger. In this case, the cat will not slip out of the rein, and the accessory will not injure the pet.
How to train a cat to wear a harness?
It is fundamentally wrong to put a new leash on a cat immediately after purchase and drag the poor animal outside to brag to the neighbors. Attentive and caring owner let the animal get used to to a new thing at home. For several days, the cat should be able to see and smell the straps. Only after that, without sudden movements, you can carefully put the harness on your pet. It is better to do this before feeding, then the straps and putting on the harness will be associated with pleasant consequences. If you managed to fasten the leash, you need to distract the cat from unusual new sensations, play with him, give him a treat.
Experts and breeders recommend accustom animals to a harness from 2-3 months, kittens are easier to get used to, get used to the leash faster. But until the age of 5 months, kittens are advised to walk only in the apartment. Then in the future walks will not cause inconvenience to either the cats or the owners. If you already decided to start breeding an adult animal with a harness, then you need to walk it on a leash at home for a long time, then try to go outside, walk in a deserted quiet place where there are no cars.
Cats do not walk next to their owners, like dogs; rather, a person will have to walk after the pet, only occasionally adjusting its route. Of course, you can go outside with a cat vaccinated against infections, and in a special collar against fleas and ticks.
Can’t be taken outside
- an old cat, if she does not have the habit of going outside, for an elderly animal this is a lot of stress;
- walking can also injure cats that have undergone surgery,
- animals in the recovery period after the disease,
- pregnant cats and animals during estrus.
Difficult to get used to harness aggressive animals, badly getting along with people and animals, cowardly and nervous individuals. All cats have an individual attitude to walks, and each owner will be able to find an approach to his pet if he correctly follows the advice of breeders and specialists.