Guinea pig Teddy
Do you love teddy bears? Well, you just can’t help but love them. What about a live teddy bear? Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? But live teddy bears do exist!
The teddy guinea pig has a striking resemblance to a teddy bear! She is so soft, sweet and cute! No wonder the breed was named that way by analogy with all your favorite teddy bears.
In recent years, the Teddy Guinea Pig breed has been especially popular with breeders and owners. Not only do these pigs have an extremely attractive and simply touching appearance, they also have a wonderful character. This special breed of guinea pig makes a great pet for children because they are extremely easy to care for, energetic and friendly.
Do you love teddy bears? Well, you just can’t help but love them. What about a live teddy bear? Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? But live teddy bears do exist!
The teddy guinea pig has a striking resemblance to a teddy bear! She is so soft, sweet and cute! No wonder the breed was named that way by analogy with all your favorite teddy bears.
In recent years, the Teddy Guinea Pig breed has been especially popular with breeders and owners. Not only do these pigs have an extremely attractive and simply touching appearance, they also have a wonderful character. This special breed of guinea pig makes a great pet for children because they are extremely easy to care for, energetic and friendly.
Features of the teddy guinea pig breed
To the layman, the teddy and the common American guinea pig look almost the same, but upon closer inspection, the differences become more distinct. So much so that the allocation of Teddy to a new, separate breed looks quite reasonable.
Both of these breeds, the American and the Teddy, are short-haired guinea pigs. The main difference between Teddy and simple smooth-haired pigs lies in the structure of the coat. The fur of a teddy is not like the fur of other guinea pigs. In Teddy, it is short, dense and fluffy. If you stroke a simple pig first, and then a teddy, you can feel how much denser and coarser the teddy’s fur is. The texture of its coat is similar to that of the Abyssinian guinea pig, but the fur is considerably shorter and lacks rosettes.
Another well-known feature of the teddy is their distinctive “Roman” nose, which looks like an upside-down “C”. Only teddy and American guinea pigs have such a nose. In other breeds, the nose is slightly narrower and wider.
In addition to the Teddy breed, the list of officially recognized breeds of the American Association ACBA also includes the Satin Teddy Guinea pig breed. The main feature of such pigs is a special glossy sheen of wool, which shimmers like satin in the light.
In our country and in Europe, teddy pigs are still divided into American teddies and Swiss teddies.
The lifespan of teddy pigs is somewhat shorter than most other breeds, about 4-6 years, while other gilts are 6-8 years.
To the layman, the teddy and the common American guinea pig look almost the same, but upon closer inspection, the differences become more distinct. So much so that the allocation of Teddy to a new, separate breed looks quite reasonable.
Both of these breeds, the American and the Teddy, are short-haired guinea pigs. The main difference between Teddy and simple smooth-haired pigs lies in the structure of the coat. The fur of a teddy is not like the fur of other guinea pigs. In Teddy, it is short, dense and fluffy. If you stroke a simple pig first, and then a teddy, you can feel how much denser and coarser the teddy’s fur is. The texture of its coat is similar to that of the Abyssinian guinea pig, but the fur is considerably shorter and lacks rosettes.
Another well-known feature of the teddy is their distinctive “Roman” nose, which looks like an upside-down “C”. Only teddy and American guinea pigs have such a nose. In other breeds, the nose is slightly narrower and wider.
In addition to the Teddy breed, the list of officially recognized breeds of the American Association ACBA also includes the Satin Teddy Guinea pig breed. The main feature of such pigs is a special glossy sheen of wool, which shimmers like satin in the light.
In our country and in Europe, teddy pigs are still divided into American teddies and Swiss teddies.
The lifespan of teddy pigs is somewhat shorter than most other breeds, about 4-6 years, while other gilts are 6-8 years.
From the history of teddy guinea pigs
The Teddy breed is one of the new breeds of guinea pigs. Such pigs were the result of a genetic mutation with a change in its DNA. Many get scared when they hear the phrase “genetic mutation”, perhaps the reason for this is the popular film “X-Men”. But trust me, the mutation only affects the coat of guinea pigs, not their mental or physical health.
Later, unusual pigs were bred, and this breed received official recognition in 1978. Today, teddies are quite common and popular with both professional breeders and pet owners.
So how did scientists manage to get a new breed? Few people know how to do it. But most likely this was due to the use of guinea pigs in scientific experiments, during which scientists accidentally discovered or deliberately created a new breed for a certain type of research. For example, did you know that today’s very popular hairless skinny pigs were bred for the purpose of dermatological research?
The Teddy breed is one of the new breeds of guinea pigs. Such pigs were the result of a genetic mutation with a change in its DNA. Many get scared when they hear the phrase “genetic mutation”, perhaps the reason for this is the popular film “X-Men”. But trust me, the mutation only affects the coat of guinea pigs, not their mental or physical health.
Later, unusual pigs were bred, and this breed received official recognition in 1978. Today, teddies are quite common and popular with both professional breeders and pet owners.
So how did scientists manage to get a new breed? Few people know how to do it. But most likely this was due to the use of guinea pigs in scientific experiments, during which scientists accidentally discovered or deliberately created a new breed for a certain type of research. For example, did you know that today’s very popular hairless skinny pigs were bred for the purpose of dermatological research?
Teddy guinea pig colors
Today you can find a teddy guinea pig of any color standard for guinea pigs – agouti, brindle, selfie, etc. The color of the coat can be very different: red, white, black, brown, gray. Most often there are either one-color teddies or two-color ones, when the combination of two colors forms spots, stripes and other patterns.
Today you can find a teddy guinea pig of any color standard for guinea pigs – agouti, brindle, selfie, etc. The color of the coat can be very different: red, white, black, brown, gray. Most often there are either one-color teddies or two-color ones, when the combination of two colors forms spots, stripes and other patterns.
Teddy character
The breeders of these pigs say they have an adventurous and playful nature. They are curious and very sociable, both with other guinea pigs and with humans. By nature, they are similar to the Abyssinian pigs. Both of these breeds are characterized as very energetic, active and funny. They love to be picked up and stroked. They are also very lively and enthusiastic when they have the opportunity to run and explore the world around them, so a spacious teddy cage is not a luxury, but a necessity. And even if there is a spacious cage, these pigs are recommended to be let out for a walk – in the warm season on the grass, and in winter – around the room.
The breeders of these pigs say they have an adventurous and playful nature. They are curious and very sociable, both with other guinea pigs and with humans. By nature, they are similar to the Abyssinian pigs. Both of these breeds are characterized as very energetic, active and funny. They love to be picked up and stroked. They are also very lively and enthusiastic when they have the opportunity to run and explore the world around them, so a spacious teddy cage is not a luxury, but a necessity. And even if there is a spacious cage, these pigs are recommended to be let out for a walk – in the warm season on the grass, and in winter – around the room.
Care and maintenance of a teddy
Caring for a teddy is a simple task, so you can safely buy such pigs for children.
Teddies do not require regular care and combing, like long-haired guinea pigs, in general, all guinea pigs are very clean and put their hair in order on their own.
The most important thing for your teddy is a spacious cage house and a proper diet. This is all he needs for a long, happy and healthy life.
A spacious house is simply necessary for a teddy, as these are very active guinea pigs who simply cannot sit still. If you lock them in a small cage and do not let them run around the room at least occasionally, there is a high probability that health problems may arise. Teddies need enough space. In order for them to run freely, the cage must have an area of at least 0,6 square meters, which corresponds to a cage size of 100×60 cm. For information on how to choose a cage, read the article “Cage for a guinea pig”
As for the diet, the Teddy, like other guinea pigs, is an absolute vegetarian and prefers fruits, vegetables, fresh grass or hay. In addition, do not forget about specialized granules (dry food), which can be bought at the pet store. Read more about feeding guinea pigs in the “Nutrition” section.
In addition, it is necessary to ensure constant access to clean drinking water. For this, special drinkers are purchased.
The Teddy breed is most susceptible to diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies, primarily vitamin C, and the most common of these diseases are scurvy and respiratory diseases.
Contrary to the misconception that if guinea pigs are called guinea pigs, then they love to swim, you do not need to bathe them. Moreover, guinea pigs are afraid of water, and bathing is a big stress for them. The need to organize a bath for a guinea pig can occur extremely rarely, only in case of severe pollution.
And teddy pigs generally have very dry skin, so bathing them is not recommended. But if such a need arises, then use only a special shampoo designed for rodents.
Teddy guinea pigs have a physiological feature associated with the structure of their ears. Over time, a significant amount of wax can accumulate in the ears of a Teddy, which must be removed with a damp cotton pad. If this is a problem, you can put a few drops of vegetable oil to soften the earwax before removing it. Pigs may not like this procedure, but you need to clean your ears regularly.
Caring for a teddy is a simple task, so you can safely buy such pigs for children.
Teddies do not require regular care and combing, like long-haired guinea pigs, in general, all guinea pigs are very clean and put their hair in order on their own.
The most important thing for your teddy is a spacious cage house and a proper diet. This is all he needs for a long, happy and healthy life.
A spacious house is simply necessary for a teddy, as these are very active guinea pigs who simply cannot sit still. If you lock them in a small cage and do not let them run around the room at least occasionally, there is a high probability that health problems may arise. Teddies need enough space. In order for them to run freely, the cage must have an area of at least 0,6 square meters, which corresponds to a cage size of 100×60 cm. For information on how to choose a cage, read the article “Cage for a guinea pig”
As for the diet, the Teddy, like other guinea pigs, is an absolute vegetarian and prefers fruits, vegetables, fresh grass or hay. In addition, do not forget about specialized granules (dry food), which can be bought at the pet store. Read more about feeding guinea pigs in the “Nutrition” section.
In addition, it is necessary to ensure constant access to clean drinking water. For this, special drinkers are purchased.
The Teddy breed is most susceptible to diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies, primarily vitamin C, and the most common of these diseases are scurvy and respiratory diseases.
Contrary to the misconception that if guinea pigs are called guinea pigs, then they love to swim, you do not need to bathe them. Moreover, guinea pigs are afraid of water, and bathing is a big stress for them. The need to organize a bath for a guinea pig can occur extremely rarely, only in case of severe pollution.
And teddy pigs generally have very dry skin, so bathing them is not recommended. But if such a need arises, then use only a special shampoo designed for rodents.
Teddy guinea pigs have a physiological feature associated with the structure of their ears. Over time, a significant amount of wax can accumulate in the ears of a Teddy, which must be removed with a damp cotton pad. If this is a problem, you can put a few drops of vegetable oil to soften the earwax before removing it. Pigs may not like this procedure, but you need to clean your ears regularly.
In conclusion, I would like to say once again that teddy guinea pigs are cute, curious, funny creatures that will be ideal pets for both children and adults.
In conclusion, I would like to say once again that teddy guinea pigs are cute, curious, funny creatures that will be ideal pets for both children and adults.