Got a dog and regretted it…

Got a dog and regretted it…

All your life you dreamed of a true friend, finally found the opportunity to get a dog and … the dream turned into a series of nightmares. The dog does not behave at all as it seemed in dreams, and in general, you did not assume that the animal in the house requires sacrifices that you are not ready for … What to do if you got a dog – and regret it?


Why do people regret having a dog?

There are many reasons why people regret having a dog. But basically the reasons fit into three blocks:

  1. you basically weren’t ready to get a dog. The dream that you will be met by a devoted friend, perfectly educated and obedient, and you will walk in the park and enjoy being in the fresh air, crashed into a harsh life. There are puddles and heaps all over the apartment, you need to constantly think about what to feed your four-legged friend, there is wool on clothes and furniture, a new repair is needed, the dog whines desperately when left alone, and you need to walk not only in good weather, but also in a downpour, and in a blizzard… You can’t relax and leave a plate of food on the table or a hot iron on the floor, you constantly turn down invitations to visit and forget about what a vacation is. In addition, your puppy begins a “teenage crisis”, and this is no longer a charming baby, but a naughty young dog, and you have absolutely no time to train with him.
  2. You Wrong choice of breed. Very often, unfortunately, dogs are turned on after watching a movie or admiring a photo on the Internet and not learning anything about the features of the breed they like. As a result, the Jack Russell Terrier, Beagle or Husky, who are locked up 23,5 hours a day, howl and smash the apartment, the Dalmatian runs away at the first opportunity, the Akita Inu “for some reason” does not want to follow commands, the Airedale Terrier is completely different on the neighbor’s Labrador, whose character you like so much (and you think that all dogs are like that), and the German Shepherd, it turns out, is not born Commissar Rex … You can continue endlessly. It’s good if you come across a good breeder who, before selling a puppy, finds out what you know about the breed, but, alas, there are not many of them …
  3. You bought a dog for a specific purpose, and she did not live up to expectations. For example, a puppy “with the prospect of exhibitions” was not so good according to experts. You dreamed of victories in obedience competitions, and the dog is absolutely not going to make your dreams come true. Or the dog is too kind and not brave enough to “work” as a bodyguard. And so on and so forth.


What to do if you adopted a dog and realized that you regret it?

Even if you adopted a dog and then realized that it was a mistake, do not despair – a solution can be found.

Some, realizing that the former life is not suitable for coexistence with a dog (in any case, a comfortable existence is enough), rearrange their lives so that there is a place for a pet in it. 

This may be an additional motivation to change jobs to a higher paying one, become a freelancer or find a new home. What sacrifices do people not make for the sake of a pet! 

If you understand that this particular dog is not suitable for you, but are ready to work on yourself, you can learn to interact with a pet, accepting it as it is, and changing your own approach to it. You can research information about dogs to find the key to a four-legged friend or even go learn a new profession. Or turn to a competent specialist working with humane methods to change the dog’s living conditions or correct its behavior – as much as possible.


In the end, if you are convinced that you are completely unprepared to share a house with a dog, you can find her a new family. Some consider this a betrayal, but finding a dog a new home and loving owners is still better than suffering for years, feeling nothing but irritation, and taking out anger on an innocent creature.

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