German Pinscher – description of the breed, rules of care and maintenance + photos and reviews of the owners
The German (or Standard) Pinscher became the ancestor of such popular dogs as Dobermans and Miniature Pinschers. These breeds, by an evil irony of fate, overshadowed the well-deserved glory of the progenitor with their demand. Now the German Pinscher is classified as a rare breed, which, given its merits, is at least strange – it really is an ideal city dog.
Description and characteristics of the German Pinscher
The German Pinscher began to work a very long time ago, in the stables of medieval Germany. In the written documents of the beginning of the XNUMXth century, brave and devoted to the owner dogs – guards and rat-catchers – are respectfully recalled. The topic of rodent control in Europe at that time was very relevant. True, the name of the breed familiar to us appeared much later, and at first all rat-catchers were called raters and were used strictly for their intended purpose.
The first profession of the German Pinscher is the Pied Piper
Only in 1879 did the old breed receive official recognition and in the near future it was divided into two large independent branches: smooth-haired pinschers and wire-haired schnauzers. So these service breeds, despite their outward dissimilarity, are closely related.
Size matters
Both schnauzers and pinschers are presented in three sizes (giant, standard and miniature), which have taken shape in separate breeds. In schnauzers, these are the well-known giant schnauzer, miniature schnauzer and miniature schnauzer, and in pinschers – doberman, german pinscher and miniature pinscher.
Pinschers, like Schnauzers, have three different breed standards.
The German Pinscher is also called the Standard (or Medium) Pinscher, and the happy owners of dogs of this breed call them in short – the pretty word “Nempin”.
Roar, bark, commotion – this is not a fight, these are pinchers playing
The excellent working qualities of the German Pinscher stimulated dog handlers to expand the range of “service powers” of a wonderful dog. Breeding work went in two directions – both to reduce and increase the size of the representatives of the breed. The history of the creation of the Doberman is especially interesting.
The Doberman Pinscher got its name at the end of the XNUMXth century after the worthy Herr Dobermann, the recently deceased creator of the breed. Carl Friedrich Louis Dobermann worked as a tax inspector in everyday life, and this service has always been both dangerous and difficult. The tax officer felt that he was in dire need of an assistant – formidable and absolutely reliable. Is it possible to find an assistant more devoted and incorruptible than a faithful dog? Not finding a breed that was completely suitable for him, Herr Dobermann undertook to create it himself and gave his offspring the name “Thuringian Pinscher”.
Doberman is the largest and most powerful of the Pinschers.
To create a Doberman – a powerful and determined bodyguard dog – blood of other breeds was added to the blood of the German Pinscher: Rottweiler, Shepherd Dog, Black and Tan Terrier. It is possible that Great Danes, hounds and Greyhounds also took part in the “work” on the Doberman.
The miniature variety of the pinscher appeared earlier than the giant one – about three centuries ago. To exterminate all the same rats, a dog with a full set of pinscher qualities was required, but smaller in size – so that it could sneak into the most secluded corners. According to some reports, to consolidate the miniature dimensions of the Pinscher, they crossed with a black and tan terrier.
Miniature Pinscher – a funny little copy of the German Pinscher
Choose a puppy
Never get a German Pinscher if you:
- are not ready to devote enough time and attention to it;
- you are counting on the fact that you have already acquired a “ready-made” dog – educated and trained;
- spontaneously buy a representative of this breed.
Nempin puppies are adorable – which one to choose?
But if the Nempin is really your dog, congratulations: you are very lucky! This wonderful puppy will be able to fill your life with new colors, bright events. Next to him, you will definitely become younger and healthier, learn to look at the world with optimism.
Buy a baby only in a reputable nursery – responsible breeders will not allow risky matings that could increase the risk of hereditary diseases in a puppy, they will raise it qualitatively and will definitely give the basics of education. The average cost of a two-month-old cub of this rare breed is about a thousand dollars.
The German Pinscher puppy must be healthy and well raised.
On the Internet and in the bird markets, you will be offered much more budget options for “puppies from unscheduled mating” or “pinscher half-breeds”, but all this is nothing more than mutts with absolutely unpredictable genetics.
Video: activity with kids
breed standards
The three breeds of pinschers are very similar in appearance; they differ primarily in size and, of course, service purpose. The German Pinscher standard draws the image of a medium-sized dog (up to 50 cm at the withers, weighing 20 kg). Relatively modest size does not prevent the Nempin from being an effective working dog: a guard and a bodyguard.
The German Pinscher must be elegant and muscular.
He has a strong, muscular body, very strong legs (especially the hind legs), thanks to which the dog is able not only to run excellently – quickly and tirelessly, but also to jump from a place to a height of up to one and a half meters.
Previously, all pinschers had their tails cropped and their ears trimmed, but now they mostly leave
The standards of all pinschers allow only two breed colors: red in various shades and black and tan. Dobermans at one time had a very popular brown and tan color – but there are no pedigree red Dobermans.
According to the Doberman standard, its height can reach 72 cm, and its weight is 45 kg. The same maximum parameters according to the miniature pinscher standard: 30 cm and 6 kg.
Doberman and miniature pinscher – such different descendants of the standard pinscher
The fighting past and many years of breeding selection did not pass without a trace for the German Pinscher – contradictory, it would seem, qualities harmoniously coexist in his character:
- emotionality and calmness;
- friendliness and incredulity;
- kindness and aggressiveness;
- manageability and willfulness;
- resentment and cheerful disposition.
The German Pinscher always looks into the owner’s eyes and seems to read his mind.
At the same time, Nempin is very smart, inclined to draw his own conclusions from what is happening, build a strategy of behavior and tactics of relations – in a way that is beneficial to him. Only a person with character should start such a dog; soft and undemanding owner nempin will definitely sit on the neck.
Features of the content of the German Pinscher
The main thing for a Nempin is to be close to his beloved master and serve him faithfully. Training and sufficient walking are much more important than comfortable housing: like a seasoned soldier, a standard pinscher is not created for glamor and does not bother with the conventions of life. Unless he likes a strong frost too much: for a cold winter it is better to bring clothes that will warm the dog at least in the body.
Keep your pet warm in winter
In the apartment or in the yard?
Despite their rich stable past, modern Pinschers live mainly in city apartments. Of course, this active dog will be delighted with a private house with a spacious plot – but it is from the house, and not from the aviary or booth. And the point is not only that short hair will not protect the dog from frost – the pinscher is too attached to the owner and wants to be close to him.
Morning run with the owner is happiness for your dog
Left at home alone, he is very bored, and if he was previously walked a little, then he can arrange bedlam in his home. With the right maintenance and care of the coat, the Nempin is an ideal dog for a city apartment.
Video: pinscher alone at home
Watching a hyperactive German Pinscher on a walk or training ground can be misleading to potential owners, but these dogs behave completely differently in an apartment.
The explosive temperament of the Pinscher is perfectly balanced by its “reinforced concrete” nervous system – a well-bred dog at home is absolutely calm and never barks just to shake the air – only on business. Representatives of this breed get along well with all roommates: other dogs and cats, parrots and hamsters.
The German Pinscher is a typical sofa dog.
The relationship of pinchers with children is especially indicative – dogs become their best playmates, and from very small ones they are ready to endure literally anything.
Video: pinscher with a small child
Dog hygiene
Nempina coat care is not a problem even for a beginner in cynology. In a healthy dog, the coat fits snugly to the body, glossy and sparkling, as if varnished. This is the main indicator of proper nutrition and maintenance of your pet. You should bathe the dog as it gets dirty, but more often it is enough just to wipe it with a damp cloth.
The main tool for combing out the pinscher is a special hard mitten. You need to apply it at least weekly, and preferably daily; this will save you from the appearance of short hairs-thorns on the floor, clothes and upholstered furniture.
But hygienic care of the ears, eyes and teeth should be regular – at least once a week, even if your dog does not like it too much. An active pinscher usually wears down his claws during long walks, but it is also necessary to monitor their length.
Video: move on to water procedures
An energetic, very active dog requires an appropriate diet. If you make dry food the basis of your pet’s nutrition, then choose only from proven, well-established premium brands that have food for active dogs in their line – this will provide the German Pinscher with enough calories and everything necessary for the excellent condition of the dog. components.
Give your pet only quality food
Even the highest quality drying does not eliminate the need to regularly feed the dog with healthy natural foods: sour milk, vegetables, fruits; once a week you can give a raw chicken egg.
A balanced diet for the average pinscher is very important. Do not risk feeding him a natural woman if you are not sure that you will be able to correctly build a diet. Overfeeding and too high-calorie feeding are dangerous for this dog, as they can lead to digestive system disorders, obesity and excessive stress on the heart.
Walking and training
You should start raising a puppy from the moment when he learns to walk, and possibly even earlier. The absolute obedience of this dog is the best basis for its comfortable coexistence with a person. High intelligence, human orientation and excellent trainability – all these qualities are characteristic of the German Pinscher.
German Pinscher – a dog with character
But, despite the fact that this is really a working dog, it makes no sense to start it specifically for the purpose of guarding the house or protecting the owner – there are other breeds that are more adapted for such functions. But training is obligatory even for a Nempin companion: systematic exercises will help him realize his breed potential, be in good physical shape and behave more calmly at home, between walks.
Combine walks with training
Be prepared for the fact that for a dog of this breed you need:
- at least two full-fledged walking lasting at least an hour;
- early, from puppyhood socialization – communication with other people and dogs;
- obligatory full course of obedience;
- active educational games and activities – in addition to the general course of training, sports training and competitions, as well as agility, are well suited.
Video: the basics of training
veterinary science
Relative to many other breeds, German Pinschers live for a long time – up to twenty years. Try to prolong the happy age of your dog, help him stay healthy and active as long as possible.
Pregnancy and childbirth
The breeding fund of German Pinschers in Russia, unfortunately, is still small – the breed has always been and remains rare. Properly choosing the optimal parent pair can be difficult. Therefore, responsible breeders advocating for the improvement of the breed build a breeding strategy in advance, calculating it for several future generations of offspring, and often go abroad for mating. This is a large, painstaking work that requires special knowledge and experience.
The female of the German Pinscher is a good mother, she not only takes care of the puppies, but also brings them up
Pregnancy and childbirth in a female German Pinscher usually pass without complications, and in the time allotted by nature, about 60 days after mating, wonderful babies are born. On average, a Nempina litter can consist of 5-7 puppies.
Possible illnesses
Unfortunately, there are serious hereditary problems in the breed, including:
- von Willebrand disease;
- hip dysplasia;
- eye diseases.
A specific blood disease in the Pinscher is associated with its poor coagulability and is due to the insufficiency of the so-called von Willebrand factor. The disease can manifest itself in different ways, certain forms of it are life-threatening for the dog. A test for this genetic disease can be done at any age – even a newborn puppy. Even mild stages of the disease require constant monitoring and treatment by a veterinarian.
Violations of the genetics of the color, manifested in its clarification, are also prevented by testing both the parent pair and already born puppies. This genetic defect is not dangerous to health, but dogs in which it is detected should be removed from breeding work.
The German Pinscher can be red or black and tan, everything else is a breed defect.
Simple clinical examinations of the eyes for various diseases, including congenital ones, the pinscher should take place regularly, starting from the age of one and a half months – the sooner the problem is identified, the easier it will be to get rid of it completely or at least stop its development.
Your pet is sad and refuses food – contact your veterinarian immediately
When choosing a puppy, ask the breeders about the breed genetic tests of his parents and pictures for dysplasia. If such studies were allegedly not carried out, this should alert you – there is a high risk of acquiring a sick dog.
Video: all about the breed
Owner feedback
We all know the trio of schnauzers: rizen, mittel and zwerg. But few people know that pinschers in the cynological world are represented in a similar way: Doberman Pinscher (height 59–70 cm), German (standard, medium) pinscher (height 45–50 cm) and dwarf (miniature) pinscher (height 25–30 cm). cm). The miniature pinscher was quite common in our country in the 50s-70s. The German Pinscher has always been and remains a rarity.
Very beautiful dogs. It is a pity that they are so rarely seen on the streets of the city now.
Pinscher is a medium-sized, smooth-haired dog, ideal for keeping in urban environments. Oriented to the owner, a great friend and companion!
I can only tell you about the Doberman – distrustful of everything around … I had to constantly turn my head 360 degrees. At home – like a cat, affectionate to all households, but! – He did not let anyone into the house from strangers. I know that this is pedigree in pinschers.
Doberman, of course, is also a pinscher))) but still, he is different. It’s like an American Bulldog and an English Bulldog 😉 Standard Pinschers were originally bred to hunt rats. Hence, the breed often has a desire to hunt small animals. In addition, they may be distrustful of strangers, dislike all sorts of familiarities (from children, for example). Lack of activity and loads can come out with all sorts of “jambs” – barking, aggression, hunting for cats, etc. In a word, this is never a “cute” dog. PS: 3-4 years ago I came across a German Pinscher, which after a month of training with a clear conscience I forwarded to a more experienced trainer, as I had exhausted the methods to wean him to eat the owners.
The Medium Pinscher is an excellent choice for those who cannot afford a Doberman, but the Miniature Pinscher is too small for him. The breed is simply wonderful, and in every way. Average height, minimal care, clean, smart and just beautiful.
Our breed is rare. Dogs can be counted on the fingers. In general, we have kennels for this breed in St. Petersburg, but there are very few puppies left, most are leaving. Therefore, there is no one at the exhibitions.
My Grace
I have 3 pinschers, a boy and 2 girls. Very pleasant dogs. The houses are calm, comfortable, and they like to run around on the street. They especially like to run together.
Pinscher is a hurricane. Very friendly, very agile, fearless, smart contagion and very cunning, with character. For beginners in the breed, it can be difficult. There was a time, I thought: I can’t cope (and this is after two Dobermans and a bunch of puppies), but now I just can’t imagine my life without a pinscher. Very cool dogs.
And I came to this breed by great love at first sight. Just once, about 4 years ago, I saw Pincher in a book and that’s it! I fell in love))) I began to find out, search, but at that time there was somehow no information even on the Internet (((What is the correct name … what kind of pinscher … And when I found out everything …. I was delighted and fell in love even more
Olesya and Fairy
It is surprising that such a worthy breed of dog has recently become considered rare. The gene pool of German Pinschers is small, and if you are lucky enough to be the owner of a breeding bitch, treat breeding issues with the utmost responsibility. If you bought a dog not for breeding, but just for the soul, then you have made an excellent choice – the years spent together with the German Pinscher will become one of the brightest and most interesting in your life.