Game method of dog training
Dog training is a responsible process that requires certain knowledge and training. The effectiveness of training directly depends on the correctness of the approach, on the ability of the owner to interest his pet in order to attract and keep his attention. There are several methods for this – and one of the most popular is the game method of training. Let’s talk about it in more detail.
All dogs love to play. At the same time, many of them perceive training as a complex and tedious process. But what prevents us from making the game an element of training, so that the dog does not avoid working out new commands, but considers them part of an interesting walk?
Of course, the game is an auxiliary, and not the main method of training. But it is with the help of the game that we can keep the attention of the pet for a long time and fully involve him in the learning process. In addition, game elements exclude the possibility of stress, which often accompanies the dog during the development of complex commands. With a lack of experience, it can be difficult for us to explain to the pet what exactly we want from him, but during the game, mutual understanding between the pet and the owner is established naturally, and this allows us to achieve the best result. Most often, the play method is used in combination with two main methods of training: mechanical and taste-promoting. The load on the nervous system of the dog with this approach to training is minimal.
The essence of the game method is to form a certain behavior in the dog through the game process with the aim of subsequent teaching commands. And the simplest example is teaching the command “Aport!” through play with fetching toys. Moreover, it is very important to use special fetches for dogs (for example, Petstages, Zogoflex), as they are designed to please animals. Therefore, such toys attract the pet’s attention in the best way, and, unlike sticks from the street, are completely safe. Ordinary sticks should not be used for playing also because a “bad person” can distract your dog with such a stick.
The dog should be distracted only by his toy and not react to other objects.
How does the game method work on the example of fetching games? You let the dog hold the fetch in his teeth, and then throw it a short distance (over time, the distance needs to be increased). The dog rushes in pursuit of the toy, and at this time you command it: “Fetch!” When the dog finds the toy and brings it to you, you have the opportunity to practice the “give!” command as well. Do not forget to treat the dog with a treat, but only if she did everything right, otherwise the meaning of the classes disappears. Thus, on the basis of an interesting game loved by all dogs, you will teach your pet to bring the desired items.
Other effective training aids are, for example, dog balls. And here is a simple example of how one such ball can be useful in the educational process.
Play ball with your dog for a few minutes. Let the pet warm up and tune in for an entertaining walk, show interest in your gestures. After a while, take a break by stopping and holding the ball in your hand. Of course, the dog will try to continue the game and possibly take the ball away from you. When she stands in front of you, raise your hand with the ball and slowly bring it over your pet’s head (just like you work with a treat). In order not to lose the ball from sight, the dog will begin to sit down. As soon as she sits down, command her to “Sit!” and serve treats. Thus, with the help of the simplest ball game, you will reinforce the performance of one of the most necessary commands in everyday life in the dog.
Do not forget that for training you can only use special balls for dogs that are suitable for your pet in size. You can read about other characteristics that will help you in choosing the best toys in the articles: “” and “”.
Speaking of other useful commands that can be taught to a dog through the game method, one cannot help but recall the “Search!” command. You let the dog sniff the toy and then hide it – first in the dog’s line of sight so that he can see where you put the toy and quickly find it, and then to more distant places. When the dog starts looking for the hidden toy, command it to “Look!”. And for the find, do not forget to praise the delicacy. By analogy, playing hide-and-seek with family members will train a dog to find a person.
Also, the game method will be very useful in raising puppies. If you see that the baby is playing pranks, for example, chewing on a table leg, just distract his attention with a game. And then slip him a toy – why not an alternative to furniture and shoes?
In the house where the dog lives, there must be at least 3 toys and they must be rotated. Otherwise, the dog will simply lose interest in the game.
Do not forget to improve your trainer skills, read specialized literature and do not hesitate to consult with professionals. Very soon you will realize that training is not only useful, but also a very entertaining process that strengthens friendship and improves mutual understanding between the owner and the pet!