Gamavit for cats: composition, indications and method of application
Gamavit is a complex preparation for cats and other animals, which is intended primarily to strengthen the immune system, as well as improve the functioning of the body as a whole. Let’s take a closer look at what this medicine is.
What does Gamavit look like?
It is a clear, pink, reddish or bright red liquid. Gamavit is produced in the form of ampoules, usually with a capacity of 10 ml, sealed with rubber caps and rolled in aluminum foil. Other forms of packing are also allowed. The package must contain complete instructions for use. The exact date of manufacture of the drug must also be indicated.
How to store Gamavit for cats?
The shelf life of this medicine is 12 months. Store the drug should be at a temperature of 4 to 25 degrees Celsius. Do not allow direct sunlight on the medicine. Freezing Gamavit is strictly prohibited, since after such a procedure it loses its useful properties.
Signs that Gamavit has gone bad:
- the medicine has become cloudy;
- there is sediment at the bottom of the ampoule;
- there are denser inclusions in the liquid;
- more than a year has passed since the release of the drug indicated on the package.
If at least one of the signs listed above is present, Gamavit can no longer be used. It can deteriorate not only due to the expiration date, but also due to improper storage, transportation, etc.
Composition and properties of Gamavit
The drug consists of two active ingredients, as well as several auxiliary. Both main components are of natural origin, so the medicine is safe for cats of any age.
The first active ingredient sodium nucleinate. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, strengthens the immune system, and also compensates for the lack of electrolyte minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
The second component of gamavit for cats is denatured emulsified placenta. It contains many substances that help support the cat’s immune system and improve its overall health.
Additional substances contained in Gamavit are amino acids (glycine, arginine, lysine, L-glutamic acid, valine, triosine, etc.) and vitamins (C, D, B, A, etc.), glucose, ribose, hypoxanthine and others.
In addition to improving the functioning of the immune system, Gamavit also beneficial effect on musculoskeletal. Thanks to the vitamins and amino acids it contains, it strengthens the skeleton and muscles, and also stimulates smooth muscles.
It also has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
Gamavit Forte
A drug with enhanced action.
It contains such additional substances:
- Succinic acid. It is a strong antioxidant, prevents damage to internal organs by viruses and bacteria.
- Interferon. Powerful antiviral agent.
- pyruvic acid. Anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps stop bleeding. Therefore, this drug is indicated for use not only in severe forms of viral and bacterial diseases, but also during childbirth with complications, as well as after operations and during the recovery period after injuries.
Indications and contraindications for the use of Gamavit
This drug is one of the most commonly used.
It is used in such cases:
- Anemia. Due to the fact that the drug contains a denatured placenta and sodium compounds, it has a positive effect on the blood formation system.
- Rickets. Due to the content of vitamin D in the preparation and substances that improve its absorption, it is used to treat this disease.
- Hypovitaminosis. The vitamins contained in the preparation help to fight this condition.
- Infectious and invasive diseases. To maintain immunity in combination with other drugs, it is recommended to use Gamavit.
- Poisonings of various nature. The L-glutamic acid contained in the drug in combination with sodium nucleinate is able to neutralize many dangerous substances, primarily nitrogen compounds.
- Difficult childbirth. Since Gamavit stimulates the work of smooth muscles, it is able to increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus, thereby speeding up and facilitating the process of childbirth. And due to the content of sodium and potassium compounds in the medicine, it will help to avoid severe bleeding.
- Pyometra and other inflammatory diseases. Most often, Gamavit in this case, Gamavit is used in combination with other drugs.
- Preparation for competitions, exhibitions, etc.. Since this preparation contains numerous vitamins and amino acids, it helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the cat, as well as improve the condition of her coat.
- Preparing for stressful situations, such as long-term transportation, etc. Gamavit has a calming effect, normalizes the work of the heart.
- Postoperative period. In this case, the drug is used to increase immunity and accelerate tissue regeneration.
- Deworming. It is used in combination with other drugs.
- Disease Prevention (infectious, anemia, rickets, etc.). Since Gamavit improves the functioning of the immune system, it is used for this purpose. In this case, a smaller dose of the drug is administered.
Contraindications to the use of Gamavit have not been identified.
Combination with other drugs:
- goes well with most drugs;
- in combination with Fosprenil, the effect of both drugs is enhanced.
Gamavit is well tolerated by cats at any age, no side effects have been detected.
It should also be remembered that in any case, before using any drug, including Gamavit, you should consult a veterinarian, don’t self-medicateso as not to harm the health of the cat.
Methods of administration and dosage
Gamavit is administered to cats intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. This is done at the withers or in the hind leg. It is best to entrust this to a specialist in order to administer the drug correctly.
In the presence of mild or moderate diseases, the drug is usually administered subcutaneously to cats. In severe cases, intravenous administration is required using a dropper or a special catheter.
Доза depends on the age of the cat, the disease she suffers from, and her weight:
- If the medicine is used for kittens as a general tonic or for the prevention of diseases, then the dose is determined at the rate of 0,1 ml / kg. The drug is administered 1 time in two or three days. The course lasts 1-1,5 weeks.
- When deworming, in order to avoid the occurrence of side effects from drugs to combat worms, Gamavit is used in an amount of 0,1-0,2 ml / kg.
- When preparing a cat for childbirth, the medicine is administered in an amount of 0,025 to 0,05 ml / kg a week before them and directly at their time. In childbirth with complications, the dose at their time doubles.
- For recovery after operations, serious illnesses, childbirth, etc. Gamavit is prescribed in an amount of 0,5 ml / kg three times a week for 3-6 weeks.
- In infectious diseases, the drug is administered at 0,3-0,5 ml / kg once or twice a day. The course lasts about five days.
- In case of poisoning of various nature, it may be necessary single injection five times the dose of the drug. Such a decision can only be made by a specialist. It is not worth treating a cat on your own for severe poisoning.