Food composition for parrots and canaries
Ready-made complete bird food is not only convenient (because you do not have to spend time preparing dinner for your pet), but also very useful. The composition of good feed includes all the necessary elements for a healthy and happy life of birds, which also have a positive effect on the quality of plumage and make the coloring brighter. In our article, we will talk about the main components on which diets for birds are based, and about the beneficial effects on the body of each of them.
At a first glance at the composition of complete feeds, one can notice the variety of components included in it. This is due to the natural needs of birds, because in nature they constantly move from place to place and eat a variety of foods. In order to fully satisfy this need in home conditions, balanced feeds have been developed.
The basis of the bird’s diet is always cereals, and good balanced feeds include 8 or more different types of seeds. As a rule, about 70% of them are vital for the bird, and the other 30% are healthy treats that contribute to the health of the pet and increase the palatability of the feed.
Standard set of seeds:
Oats are a real storehouse of useful elements. It improves digestion, cleanses the blood, promotes the proper functioning of the liver, strengthens the nervous system and the body as a whole, and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. Birds are very fond of oats, but in excessive amounts it can cause weight gain. This problem is eliminated thanks to balanced diets, because. the content of oats in them is strictly limited.
Millet (yellow, white, red, common) – seeds with a delicate taste, the richest source of protein. In terms of protein content, millet is superior to rice, corn, pearl barley and buckwheat, in addition, birds eat it much better. Millet supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and other systems, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and keeps the body in good shape, and also promotes rapid recovery after illnesses.
Flax seeds are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, which not only promote proper digestion, but also participate in the formation of bird plumage, making it even healthier and more beautiful.
Canary – useful for absolutely all types of birds. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals involved in the formation and proper functioning of all body systems.
Abyssinian nougat (niger) is one of the main sources of amino acids – the primary sources of life that promote protein absorption.
Hemp seed is a source of high quality proteins that stimulates the reproduction process in young birds.
As the goodies, which increase the palatability of the feed, are most often used:
Anise seeds are a source of minerals.
Sweet dill is a natural source of vitamins and esters, which also improves digestion and prevents gas formation.
Safflower, useful for indigestion and constipation, as well as improving color.
Perilla, which strengthens the immune system and stimulates fertility, etc.

Of course, these are not all the components found in the feed, but some of the main ones.
Do not forget that in addition to balanced feeds, fruits, vegetables and herbs must be included in the bird’s diet. However, this is by no means the main, but an additional food, which is offered in limited quantities, rather, as a treat. You can use both fresh products and ready-made treats for birds (from apples, kiwi, coconuts, oranges, etc.). In the first case, there is a risk of making a mistake with the choice of food and offering the bird inappropriate vegetables and fruits, which will have unpleasant consequences. Therefore, with natural feeding, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations. Ready-made delicacies significantly facilitate the task and are more useful, because. include not only pieces of fruits, vegetables and greens, but also other useful elements (safflower, corn flakes, etc.).
It is also important that the seeds that are part of the finished feed and treats for birds are enriched with essential oils, which are effective helpers in the prevention of various diseases.
Choose the right food, and let your pets be healthy!