Flyball for dogs
What is a flyball?
Flyball is a relay race in which two teams of 4 dogs each participate. Participants need to cover the distance as quickly as possible, while overcoming a number of barriers; at the end of the path, they must catch the ball from the flybox and, without losing it, return to the start through the barriers. The fastest and smartest team wins.
Flyball differs from other dog games and sports by the independence of the dog. She not only has to run to the end of the field without the owner’s prompts, but also press her paw on a special device to get the ball. Of course, the correctness of her actions is carefully monitored, and if any barrier is not passed, she will have to run again. But it’s still fun.
Why is flyball useful for dogs?
Flyball is not only fun for dogs and shows for spectators, but also a useful sport:
During the passage of barriers, dogs develop tremendous speed. In everyday life, they rarely have such an opportunity, so the flyball not only allows you to use up the accumulated energy, but also improves the mood of the dog;
In order to get the coveted ball and bring it to the owner, the dog needs to stop after a rapid run and press the button. The ball will fly out of the car and must be caught immediately or the try will not count. This task requires the most precise coordination of movements and instant reaction, which are developed in the process of preparing for the game;
Flyball training is aimed at improving not only the physical form of the dog, but also mutual understanding between the owner and the pet.
What is needed to play?
For a flyball, you will need medium-sized elastic balls (tennis balls are great), four low barriers (they should be 13 cm lower than the height of the dog in height, 50 cm wide) and a flybox. If you do not want to participate in competitions, you can arrange a playground for your pet in the yard and play with it there. All the necessary paraphernalia can be purchased at the pet store. Obstacles can be done on your own. The main thing is to make sure that the playing field is completely safe.
What do you need to know to flyball?
Experienced trainers and players will help prepare for professional competitions, however, some skills can be developed in a pet on your own:
First, teach your dog to jump a low barrier. This will require toys, treats and patience. Place your pet on one side of the obstacle, and go to the other side yourself. You can beckon him with a treat or a toy so that he goes after them, stepping over the barrier. Over time, the dog will get used to the fact that he does not have to go around the obstacle, but jump over it if he wants to reach the goal. Remember that all actions should be a joy to the pet. If something does not work, try again or return to the lesson the next day;
It is also important to train the dog to run to the target without being distracted by various noises and without stopping, and then return to the owner. In flyball competitions, the distance is fixed – the length of the ring does not exceed 27 meters. You can teach your pet to overcome just such a distance.
Any dog, regardless of breed, size, fitness and level of training, can start participating in flyball competitions. The main thing is to teach her the rules of the game.
March 12 2018
Updated: 15 March 2018