Fire Gourami
Aquarium Fish Species

Fire Gourami

The Fire Gourami or Fire Lalius, scientific name Trichogaster lalius, belongs to the Osphronemidae family. A very beautiful and hardy fish, artificially bred by systematic crossing of several species over several generations to consolidate the acquired color. It is really impressive – a brightly fiery body and a blue dorsal fin, a great decoration for a home aquarium.

Fire Gourami


The species was bred artificially on the basis of Lyalius, does not occur in the wild.


The body is somewhat compressed from the sides, oval in shape, the fins with rounded edges are relatively large. The main feature is the coloration, unlike most gourami species, the body color is uniform without vertical pigmentation, bright orange or red with a contrasting blue / blue dorsal fin. Sometimes, especially in young individuals, they are confused with Honey Gourami, both species are similar to each other, so when buying, carefully look at the fish so as not to be disappointed in the future.


Completely home-like, there will be no problems with food. In specialized stores, there is a large amount of food intended for Gourami, containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If you wish, you can diversify the diet with live food, such as bloodworms.

Maintenance and care

Small aquarium for small fish. A pair of Fiery lyalius is also able to satisfy a tank of 40 liters. Since the fish are able to breathe atmospheric air, thanks to the unique labyrinth organ, the presence of a lid is desirable. Under it, a layer of air is formed with high humidity and a temperature above room temperature, which minimizes possible problems with this respiratory organ. The set of minimum necessary equipment is as follows: lighting system, aerator, heater, productive filter. Install the filter so that it creates as little water movement as possible, for example by turning the exhaust manifolds towards the glass to break up the water flow. Ensuring high quality of water contributes to its weekly renewal of a quarter of the total volume.

Prefers an aquarium with dense thickets of plants, both root and floating. For ease of navigation, they should be arranged in groups to leave free areas. The presence of shelters is mandatory (driftwood, roots or artificial decorative objects). All this forms a sense of security, otherwise the fish develops shyness, fearfulness. The soil is of any texture, preferably dark, which enhances the color of the fish.

Social behavior

Compatible with many fish of similar size and temperament, such as various types of Rasbor, Corydoras catfish, some slow carps, should be avoided with Barbs and the like, which are prone to biting the fins of other fish, as well as with large, active or aggressive species.

Fire Gourami have a clear internal hierarchy, where the strongest male dominates, and not only males, but also females are subordinate. In a small aquarium, weaker fish will be constantly attacked, unable to hide, in a large aquarium (from 100 liters), this situation is not so acute. Optimally single content in a small tank, or harem in a large one.

Sexual differences

The male has a brighter appearance, the colors are saturated, expressive, the female is noticeably paler, in addition, they differ in the shape of the fins – rounded and curved. The couple usually prefers to swim together.

Breeding / breeding

Successful breeding is possible only in a separate tank, it is safe not only for fry that can be eaten in a common aquarium, but also for other fish that can suffer from a male Fire Gourami fiercely guarding the clutch. A spawning aquarium from 20 liters is quite sufficient, the water must match the parameters in both containers. The set of equipment is standard: lighting system, aerator, heater, simple sponge filter. In the design, root and floating plants with small leaves are required.

The incentive for spawning is enhanced nutrition with meat products, bloodworms, insect larvae or frozen food should be added to the daily portion, under favorable conditions, the female begins to fill with caviar, from which her abdomen swells noticeably, at this time she is transplanted into a separate tank, the male settles only on second third day. All movements are recommended to be done in the dark to reduce stress for the fish.

While the female fills with eggs, the male starts building a nest on the surface of the water, the Fire Gourami approaches the matter more thoroughly. Not only air bubbles are used, but also various aquarium debris (small twigs, pieces of leaves, roots, etc.). Upon completion of construction, mating courtship begins, the male swims around the chosen one, inviting her to the nest, touching her with his mouth.

The female lays up to 800 eggs, after spawning, she should be immediately transplanted back into the general aquarium. The male stays near the nest to guard the masonry, at this time he becomes very aggressive, even towards the female. The fry appear during the day, and already on the third day they begin to swim freely, which means it’s time for the male to leave the spawning aquarium.


Fish are extremely hardy, perfectly adapted to life in a confined space. In a balanced aquarium with suitable conditions and a well-established biological system, health problems do not arise. Read more about symptoms and treatments in the Aquarium Fish Diseases section.

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