Felsums: maintenance and care at home
Felsums are diurnal geckos. They live in Madagascar, Seychelles, Comoros and in some other regions. They live mainly in trees.

Their feature is bright skin, sometimes with contrasting patches. The size of the felsum ranges from 10 to 30 cm.
Containment Equipment
Since felsums are tree lizards, the terrarium will need a vertical one. Approximate sizes for different groups:
- large species (18-30 cm) – 45 × 45 × 60;
- средние (13-18см) — 30×30×45;
- мелкие (10-13см) — 20×20×30.

For a comfortable life in the terrarium, it is necessary to organize a heating point with a temperature of 35 ° C, the rest – 25-28 ° C. Night temperature – 20°C. During the day, the felsum should be able to move freely around its home in order to regulate its body temperature.
It should be fairly moist, but not too wet. Suitable coconut fiber, moss. Live plants in pots will be very useful. This both looks beautiful and will create an environment close to natural for the gecko.
In order for the felsums to have a place to climb, the terrarium is decorated with branches, snags, and small decorations. It is very convenient to use hollow bamboo tubes – lizards hide in them from prying eyes. The female will be able to lay eggs in such a shelter.
Felsums need bright light. In nature, they get it in sufficient quantities, and in captivity they will have to install an additional UV lamp.
Daylight hours are 14 hours.
In tropical forests, humidity is high, therefore, in a terrarium, it must be maintained at a level of 50-70%. Install an automatic rainfall system or spray the terrarium several times a day with water. It is better to take distilled so that no plaque remains on the glass. Living plants also help retain moisture.
A separate drinker is not needed. Felsums lick drops from walls, plants or themselves – if moisture has got on the muzzle.

The terrarium should be well ventilated. Stagnation of air will lead to the accumulation of bacteria and the development of respiratory diseases in your pet.
In their natural environment, these lizards are unpretentious. They eat insects, fruits, and sometimes small rodents. In captivity, I recommend this diet: fruits – once, insects – twice a week. Suitable crickets, zofobas, flour worms, cockroaches. You can pamper your felsum with a banana or a peach. Repasha specialized feeds are well suited.
At the age of 8 – 10 months, the felsum is considered sexually mature.
3-4 weeks after successful mating, the female usually lays a pair of eggs. The eggs are covered with a hard shell. Incubation 35 – 90 days. In the first month of life, babies are fed every day.
The life expectancy of these lizards is on average six to eight years. But there are also champions who live up to twenty.
Keeping two males is not advisable. They will fight for territory and may hurt each other. Felsums feel good in heterosexual couples. It is better not to separate them, because there is no guarantee that the lizard will want to start a family with a new partner.
Health maintenance
Felsums are quite unpretentious, and usually they have no health problems. Do not forget to give vitamin-mineral complexes every feeding. Do not overfeed, this can lead to liver problems. Maintain optimal humidity levels. Due to its low level, problems with molting are inevitable. Watch out for lighting. Decreased vitamin D interferes with calcium absorption. Wash and clean your terrarium regularly. The reproduction of viruses and bacteria will lead to lung diseases.

Communication with felzuma
These lizards are quite nimble, so you should not take them in your hands once again. Never hold a felsum by the tail, this will cause injury. Also, remember that they are great climbers on vertical surfaces. Don’t forget to close the terrarium.
Panteric Pet Shop offers only healthy animals. Our consultants will help you with the choice, advise the terrarium, food, accessories. If you have any questions about maintenance and care, they will be happy to answer them. And during the holidays you can leave your pet in our hotel under the supervision of specialists.
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