How are cats treated?
Energy. Draws off negative energy. Both in general terms and from the diseased organ. Pathological processes in the body slow down or completely disappear. Although this statement sounds pseudo-scientific, researchers from the University of Minnesota were able to prove that cat owners are 25% less likely to suffer from depression and, surprisingly, from cardiovascular diseases. According to scientists, this is due to human psychology. The owner is sure that the pet is waiting for him, loves him, plus he has heard a lot and knows about the “healing” properties of cats, and his subconscious mind “heals” him on his own. It turns out the placebo effect, long familiar to medicine.
Purring. The frequency of sound vibrations of a cat’s purr is in the therapeutic range of 25-45 hertz. The sound that is heard by the ear also acts on the subconscious, calming and forcing to relax. Moreover, during purring, a slight vibration occurs, which leads to a light massage, and this also helps a person to relax and relieve pain.

Thermal influence. It is known that cats always lie down precisely on sore spots. And there is a scientific explanation for this. In cats, the body temperature is approximately 39 degrees, and in humans – 36,6. But if some kind of inflammatory process begins in the body, then the temperature in a separate area rises. A person does not yet notice this, but for an animal everything is obvious. Some critics of feline therapy argue that cats lie down on sore spots to warm themselves. Even so, the therapeutic effect for a person is still evident.
Exposure to static electricity. Wool is a great source of static electricity. As soon as you start stroking your pet, a “current” will begin to run through your palm. His touch is imperceptible (most often), but his effect on the skin has a positive effect, relieving tension. In addition, microcurrents affect the nerve endings under the skin and thus reduce pain.
Positively. Scientists from the University of Maryland conducted a study that clearly proved that a positive attitude is associated with the presence of a pet in the house. Cats seem to feel the mood of the owners, try to help when sad, or rejoice with them when it’s good. Of course, you should not attribute psychic abilities and the ability to read minds to pets. Everything is much more prosaic. The cat’s nose differs from the human one not only externally, but also “in composition”. Cats have a very curious Jacobson’s organ, or vomeronasal organ as veterinarians call it. It is Jacobson’s organ that is able to distinguish between secreted hormones by smell, and, as you know, different chemical elements are responsible for joy and sadness in all mammals. So cats owe their “sagacity” not to higher powers, but to their own scent.

What diseases are amenable to tailed doctors?
Of course, if you have an appendicitis attack, you need to call an ambulance. But then, during the rehabilitation period, your cat will help you a lot. The list of diseases is very long, we should not only forget that feline therapy is good along with traditional medicine, but not instead of it.
What is a treatment session?
The cat should come and lie down on the sore spot or as close as possible to it. She can doze off, purr or arrange a massage with acupuncture together – stomp her paws, releasing and retracting her claws. The session is not limited in time. You can’t do any harm here.
Are there any contraindications?
Allergy. But even in this case, modern technologies are ready to give a consolation prize to a person – meditation under a video / audio clip with a cat’s purr will help relieve stress and normalize blood pressure.