Felinology, or the science of cats: features of the profession and is it possible to become a specialist in cats
Felinology is the science of cats, a branch of zoology. The term is of Latin-Greek origin and consists of the Latin word felinus and the Greek logos. What exactly does this science study?
Felinology deals with the study of anatomy, physiology, genetics and breeding of domestic and wild cats. Felinologists study breeds, their characteristics, character, selection and maintenance possibilities. To some extent, felinology is a mixture of zoology and veterinary medicine.
Profession and its features
Who belongs to felinologists? Specialists in cats can deal with different problems: cattery managers must understand the specifics of selection and maintenance of different breeds, an expert felinologist must know exactly the differences between one breed and another. Both leaders and authoritative specialists analyze breed standards and participate in exhibitions.
Felinologists also include employees of companies that develop specialized diets for pets, vitamins and medicines.
What does a felinologist do
Who studies cats? The specialization of a felinologist involves working with cats in a zoo laboratory, developing new breed standards, finalizing existing standards and breeding cats. Some experts teach at specialized courses, advise cat owners or breeders.
It is assumed that a felinologist is an additional profession, not the main one. Felinologists participate in exhibitions as judges, having received the appropriate license.
A felinologist must master the basics of veterinary science, be aware of the principles of selection and breeding of animals, know the anatomy, physiology and psychology of cats. An expert felinologist must know well the standards of all well-known breeds, be able to act correctly as a judge. An expert must be able to find contact with cats of completely different character and communicate competently with their owners.
Felinological associations
The World Cat Federation WCF (World Cat Federation) includes about 370 different organizations. They develop standards, issue international refereeing certificates and approve club names.
In addition to WCF, there are other federations. Some associations work with the European market, some with the American one. International federations are engaged in research of cats all over the world, including in Russia.
The tasks of the associations include not only the development of standards, but also the control of the work of various breeders and breeders. In addition, federation specialists come up with names for world catteries, register adult cats and kittens, and train those who wish to acquire knowledge in the field of felinology.
Where to study as a felinologist
The main university in Russia where you can get trained as a felinologist, a specialist in cats, is the Timiryazev Academy. At the Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Animal Engineering there is a specialty “felinology”. The Russian Agrarian University also has a specialization in felinology. There are also several universities in the Russian Federation that provide an opportunity to obtain such a specialty.
In addition to obtaining specialized higher education, you can take specialized courses and seminars at felinological federations.
Career prospects
A felinologist is more of a hobby or a second specialty, unless the specialist is engaged in breeding cats. According to hh.ru, there are not so many vacancies in the field of felinology – these are assistants in pet salons, groomers, pharmacists in specialized pharmacies and assistants to veterinarians. The latter require additional veterinary education.
The average salary of a felinologist in Moscow is up to 55 rubles at full time and employment. You can contact breeders and offer their services as a temporary employee or volunteer. Also, help is always needed in shelters.
See also:
- Behavior and education of a cat
- Are cats trainable?
- Bad behavior in a cat: what can be done
- Methods for training your cat