Features of the care and maintenance of Spitz puppies – feeding, walking and other nuances
The Pomeranian pygmy Spitz is rightfully credited with the dogs with an endless reserve of energy, overflowing these animals over the edges. In a continuous search for new experiences and striving for active action, this animal needs a loving owner who can satisfy his desire for constant activity.
After walking outdoors, the dog will remind lump of dirtand therefore needs to be properly cared for. If the owner of a Spitz loves a well-groomed catchy coat, then he should be ready for endless troubles. Everyone knows that beauty is not complete without sacrifices, albeit minor ones, which are easily solved in 20 minutes.
The Pomeranian dwarf spitz breed is quite brave, and guests of the dwelling where the beast lives can feel the wrath of the pet, which previously will warn them with a loud, drawn-out bark. Therefore, it is imperative to educate the puppy so that he is obedient and calm.
Rules for the care of the Pomeranian
The skin of this dog breed quite dry, so bathing them often is contraindicated. At the same time, the appearance of the coat is strongly influenced by proper combing, and not bathing. Due to the thick, vertical undercoat, the Pomeranian’s coat looks attractive and requires special care. I would like to note that intensive combing of wool is recommended only during active molting.
The rest of the time it is necessary to do this with extreme caution so that the outer hairline does not lose its support, due to which the dog seems to be a fluffy lump of happiness. After water procedures, the puppy’s coat is desirable dry with a hair dryer. This will make the Pomeranian even prettier and shorten the drying process.
It is very important to remember about the regular cutting of the claws of this breed of dog, as growing up, they can deform their paws and change the gait of the animal for the worse. To do this, the edges of the dog’s claws are very carefully bitten off with special nippers so as not to affect the soft tissues and not cause pain to the puppy, which he will remember for a very long time.
It is advisable to accustom the Pomeranian to such procedures as early as puppyhood. This will save the pet from the fear of water procedures, blow-drying and other beauty activities. The dog will learn to endure such procedures, albeit not with joy, but at least with patience.
Proper maintenance of the dog – a balanced diet
Pomeranian personal hygiene measures are quite important, but in the foreground for the health of the puppy is nutrition. When calculating the optimal portion for a pet, there are no particular difficulties. It is simply necessary to proceed from the average statistical data on the dependence of the feed and the weight of the animal.
It is very important to monitor the physical form of the pet and how he behaves. If the dog is active and cheerful, this means that he is full, if he remains hungry after eating, then the dosage of food is slightly increased. Wherein don’t overfeed your puppy, but it is unacceptable to keep him starving.
The Pomeranian, like its larger relatives, needs meat in the diet, which is given both raw and boiled. In addition to meat products for a dog, the following will be useful:
- stewed vegetables with the addition of sunflower oil;
- various boiled cereals;
- products containing cottage cheese,
- dairy products.
You can pamper your puppy with a freshly prepared omelet or dried apricots and prunes. Dry food is also excellent for Spitz, to which the animal is accustomed gradually. In most cases, it is easier to switch your dog from natural foods to dry food, and not vice versa. A puppy that has grown up on ready-made food often refuses to take natural products.
Pomeranian walking – main features
You can walk with Spitz puppies only after undergoing the procedure animal vaccinations from the most common diseases observed in this breed of dogs. Up to this point, it is advisable to take the pet out into the fresh air only on your hands. It is not recommended to visit guests with an unvaccinated Pomeranian, even if there are no pets there.
Only after receiving all the necessary vaccinations can you take a leash and go for a walk in the nearest park. But for starters, walks should be short so that the pets do not overwork. 20-25 minutes in the morning and evening is enough. Puppy can get everything necessary physical activity directly in the conditions of the apartment.
In the future, walks with a stronger dog become regular and longer. The animal quickly learns to cope with its needs outside the home. However, while walking, you need to remember some tips given by experienced dog breeders.
- It’s important avoid strong scorching sun. When it rains, the Pomeranian needs to wear dog overalls. Walking with a pet has a positive effect on the blood supply and metabolism of the animal. In addition, in the park, the Spitz gets acquainted with relatives and learns new commands from the owner.
- The dog must unquestioningly obey the owner, especially if he calls her. Quite a lot of small dogs die on the street from larger relatives or under the wheels of cars, and in order to prevent this must have a collar with a leash.
- Teaching a Spitz puppy to a collar should be gradual. At first, the collar is put on at home. When the pet stops noticing him, I fasten the leash to the collar.
- It is very important that the dog gets used to his nickname. Constantly call the animal by saying its name. The pet will quickly get used to the nickname and the new team.
The psychological state of the Pomeranian will depend on the time of communication with the owner. It must be remembered that raising a dog is a responsible occupation.
Features of training Spitz
Training a puppy is not that difficult and completely depends on the owner of the dog, who must be persistent when practicing this or that command. Although such a breed does not require the study of all existing teams, but the main ones that meet every day are simply necessary. Pomeranian even a child over 9 years old can be trainedbut always in the presence of an adult.
This breed of dog is very smart, and the animal quickly understands what they want from it. It is very easy to wean a Pomeranian from chewing shoes or urinating in the wrong place. The only thing you need to show perseverance and perseverance in this matter. You should not give up a dog if a person does not have enough knowledge in training and raising a Spitz. People who know everything simply do not exist. Spitz care and maintenance is quite simple, suitable for almost any pet lover.
Individual qualities of the breed
The Pomeranian dog breed is quite noisy and restless, but in terms of strength of character it competes with large relatives. A real Spitz is bold, determined and self-confident, even taking into account that the animal cheerful and cheerful. The dog will always be happy to keep his owner company for a walk or in games. The movement of the animal is of a rapid nature, therefore, watching the play of fluffy puppies, it seems that they are hovering above the ground.