Features of feeding puppies of large breeds
As you know, dog breeds are divided into small, medium and large, and in a more precise classification – also into miniature and giant. A breakdown by size not only helps to classify dogs, but also sets the approach to keeping a pet. The nuances of caring for it, the nature of the walk, the diet and diet depend on the size of the dog. As an example, we give the feeding of puppies of large and giant dog breeds, which is characterized by its own important features.
Such a topic as feeding puppies has been and remains one of the key topics in dog breeding. Puppies have a fast metabolism, their skeleton develops and strengthens rapidly, and the immune system learns to resist various stimuli. It is at the age of up to 1 year, during the period of rapid growth of puppies, that the foundation is laid for their health and well-being in the future. And, of course, harmonious development is impossible without high-quality balanced nutrition. Puppies that do not get enough vitamins and other nutrients from food grow weak and sickly. Serious problems with health, appearance and even the psyche of such babies may appear in the first months of life, because the body could not get the material it needs for competent construction. At the same time, well-nourished puppies grow up healthy, active, strong and beautiful, they pass all stages of development in a timely manner and demonstrate adherence to the standard of their breed. Therefore, neglecting the issue of feeding is by no means worth it.
The needs of large breed puppies are somewhat different from those of other dogs. Imagine a toy terrier puppy and a Tibetan mastiff puppy. If the baby toy terrier slowly and smoothly turns into an adult miniature dog, then the mastiff puppy for the first year of life with impressive speed increases its initial weight by almost 70 times. An organism that develops at such a pace needs a lot of energy and requires nutritious food, because it has such a serious job to do. It is important that in conditions of rapid growth, a huge load is created on the musculoskeletal system, which has not yet strengthened, in particular, on the spine. Therefore, it is very important that the puppy’s diet promotes joint and bone health.
Large breeds include dogs weighing more than 30 kg. Giant breeds include dogs weighing 50 kg or more.
The easiest way to get the right nutrition is with quality, ready-made rations for large breed puppies. They contain all the necessary elements for the harmonious development of the puppy, and your pets will not need any additional vitamin and mineral supplements, as is the case with the natural type of feeding. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to properly balance the components of the feed at home. In addition, preparing food for a puppy is a painstaking process that requires a lot of time.
An unbalanced diet gives rise to many problems, the most common of which are a lack of vitamins and weight gain. And if everything is clear with vitamins, then being overweight not only spoils the appearance of your puppy, but also jeopardizes the health of his bones and joints. Overweight puppies are at increased risk of deformities and spinal problems. In no case should this be allowed, because the consequences will affect the quality of the future life of your dog.
A lumberjack puppy may look funny and cute, but overweight is by no means the norm, but a problem that leads to serious consequences. Be careful not to overfeed your pets.
To avoid problems associated with unbalanced feeding, approach the selection of a puppy’s diet with due responsibility. Get special full-fledged lines designed specifically for puppies of large breeds. Diets for miniature, small or medium dogs will not be able to fully meet the needs of a large puppy.
To help you a little with choosing the best line, let’s look at what characteristics a good food for a large breed puppy should have. As an example, take the popular diet for puppies of large breeds – MONGE SUPERPREMIUM DOG MAXI PUPPY & JUNIOR. What are its advantages and what is the effect of the components in its composition?
The main ingredient in the diet is meat. Meat is the main source of protein that meets the natural nutritional needs of dogs. High-quality fresh meat in the composition of the feed ensures its high palatability.
The food is characterized by a high content of protein and fat, which is necessary for the proper development of the pet during a period of rapid metabolism.
The balance of calcium and phosphorus in the composition of the diet is adapted to the characteristics and needs of puppies of large breeds. Thanks to perfect balance, a fast-growing puppy develops a strong and healthy skeleton.
The feed is enriched with glucosamine, chondroitin, calcium and phosphorus, which is very important for the formation of healthy cartilage tissue and the development of the musculoskeletal system.
The composition of the feed includes L-carnitine, which improves energy and metabolic processes in the muscles and is necessary for the development of strong muscles.
XOS, also included in the feed, contributes to the formation of strong immunity and maintains the natural balance of the intestinal microflora.
All components of the diet are easily digestible and eliminate digestive problems.

Here are a few characteristics that a quality puppy food should have. Do not forget that not all ready-made diets are equally useful. It is worth choosing super premium food, as they are made from high-quality ingredients under strict control, which the economy line cannot boast of.
Feel free to consult with experts and carefully study the description and composition of the diet before buying. Changing food lines without extreme necessity is not recommended, as this is a big stress for the puppy’s body. Therefore, it is better to study in detail the information about the line and brand in advance and read the reviews so as not to make a mistake in choosing.
Take care of your pets and let them grow strong and beautiful!