False pregnancy in cats
This is not entirely true. Indeed, false pregnancies are rare in cats. But not so rare as not to cause trouble for cat owners.
What is a false pregnancy?
This is a pathological condition caused by hormonal disorders, which is expressed in symptoms similar to normal pregnancy, but without conception and offspring. This is associated with disorders and may occur against the background of neuropsychic abnormalities in the animal. The corpus luteum in the cat’s body does not die after ovulation, but begins to produce hormones, as in a real pregnancy. Until the cat has milk.

Why is this happening?
The most common reason is an unsuccessful mating, after which fertilization did not occur. The individual characteristics of the cat’s body can also be influenced – increased potential reproduction.
Psychological moments can also provoke the process. If there is a pregnant or just given birth cat nearby, then the second one can “fall” into pregnancy. Severe stress – a change of owners, place of residence – is also a factor that provokes a hormonal surge.
Why is this condition dangerous?
False pregnancy can pass by itself – usually it happens. And in the next estrus it can happen again, and so on ad infinitum. Constant hormonal shifts lead to endometritis, pyometra, mastitis, give impetus to the development of malignant tumors. Plus the physical and mental exhaustion of the animal.
In addition, the inadequate behavior of a pet will bring unnecessary problems to the owners themselves. Only the not so pleasant heat days, when your cat howls and rolls on the floor, demanding love, have been experienced, so now she has to be searched all over the house, as she hides and builds a nest from the owner’s stolen clothes. And she can become nervous, aggressive, use her claws and teeth.

What are the signs of a false pregnancy?
Physiology. After one and a half to two months, the cat’s stomach increases, discharge from the vulva begins and the nipples swell, then milk appears in them. The temperature rises, the appetite grows.
Psychology. Behavior is changing. The animal may become lethargic, sleep a lot. And vice versa: it can become extremely excited, aggressive. Often the cat begins to build a nest in secluded places – rummaging through cabinets, dragging the owner’s things under the bed. He wears soft toys, rags, slippers in his teeth – like imaginary kittens.
How to cope with the problem?
Be sure to take your cat to the vet. If your pet did not leave the apartment, then the pregnancy is definitely false. If she ran around the site in the country, an ultrasound should be done: is she really waiting for offspring?
The veterinarian will then make the necessary appointments.
After this condition has passed and its consequences have been treated, it is better to sterilize animals not intended for breeding. Thus, you will save your pet from suffering and the risk of developing dangerous diseases.