False pregnancy in a dog
What is a false pregnancy in a dog
False pregnancy is common in dogs of all breeds. This is the name of the psycho-physiological state of a bitch that has not been fertilized, but at the same time shows signs of pregnancy. The dog in this case diligently equips the “nest”, it can even experience something similar to contractions. As a rule, false pregnancy is observed in dogs with irregular matings and is associated with hormonal developmental disorders.
Neutering a dog significantly reduces the chance of a false pregnancy occurring.
False pregnancy in a dog: what to do?
If the bitch began to show signs of a false pregnancy, it is necessary to remove the toys. Self-licking of the nipples increases the symptoms of a false pregnancy. This can be prevented by putting a collar and blanket on the dog. Limit your protein intake. If the bitch shows aggression, extreme arousal, or physical problems (such as mastitis), medication will be needed. Contact your veterinarian.
A false pregnancy can be a symptom of a disease (hypothyroidism or liver dysfunction).
With frequent strong manifestations of a false pregnancy, you should contact the clinic for examination. Most likely, you will be offered to donate blood for biochemistry and hormones.