False pregnancy in a cat
False pregnancies in cats are less common than false pregnancies in dogs, but they do occur.
What is a false pregnancy and why is it dangerous?
In this state, the cat begins to behave as if she is carrying kittens. Usually a false pregnancy lasts no more than one and a half months. The cat’s mammary glands even increase and milk may appear. The longer she stays in the “position”, the more likely she is to need veterinary care. Frequent violations seriously affect the feline physiology and psyche and are fraught with the development of mastitis, mammary tumors and other diseases.
Causes and symptoms of false pregnancy
An imaginary pregnancy can develop in cats of any breed, but Sphynxes, Orientals and Cornish Rex are considered the most vulnerable in this regard. In cats, unlike dogs, ovulation does not occur every estrus (induced ovulation). In this regard, veterinarians identify 2 main reasons for the development of false pregnancy in cats:
- mating or mating with a sterile cat (for some reason, cannot have offspring);
- ovulation was caused by a hormonal imbalance.
- Symptoms of a false pregnancy include:
- decreased activity, long periods of sleep;
- increased anxiety or indifference;
- frequent meowing and chasing the owner;
- “adoption” of a slipper or soft toy;
- depression;
- arranging a place for future offspring;
- physiological signs: vomiting, an increase in the abdomen and mammary glands, the appearance of milk, indigestion, fever, increased appetite, the release of a clear liquid from the vagina.
A true pregnancy from a false one can be distinguished by a veterinary specialist at the reception, after a thorough examination and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
Do neutered cats have false pregnancies?
It is extremely rare for spayed cats to experience a false pregnancy if the ovarian tissue was not completely removed or the operation itself was performed before or during the false pregnancy. This is usually due to an imbalance of progesterone and prolactin.
How to deal with a false pregnancy in a cat?
The owners are often at a loss and do not understand what to do with a false pregnancy. First of all, you need to find out the reason that provoked it. If the cat’s behavior has not changed, you can wait until the symptoms go away on their own. In any case, when alarming symptoms appear, it is better to show the animal to a specialist. He or she will recommend the therapy that is best for your pet.