Eublefar tail
The most important and sensitive part of the eublefar is its tail. Unlike many lizards that you have seen in nature, geckos have thick tails.
It is in the tail that all the valuable, nutrients for a rainy day are contained. This is due to the fact that in nature eublefaras live in rather harsh conditions, in the arid territories of Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. And in especially “difficult days” these stocks save a lot. Anything in the tail can be a source of water and energy. Therefore, eublefar may not eat and drink for weeks.
There is a rule “the thicker the tail – the happier the gecko.”
However, you should not overdo it; at home, eublefar is prone to such a disease as obesity. It is important to feed the pangolin correctly, on the correct schedule.

With the help of a tail, eublefar can communicate:
– A tail raised and moving smoothly may mean that the leopard gecko has smelled new, unknown and possibly hostile smells, so he tries to scare / scare off the enemy, saying “be careful, I’m dangerous.”
If the eublefar does this in relation to you, gently raise your hand so that he understands that you are not a danger;
– The crackling/vibration of the tail comes from males and is an element of courtship for the female. Eublefars can do this even if they just smell the female. Therefore, it is advisable to keep males and females at a distance so as not to provoke an early rut or ovulation;
– Rare shaking with the tip of the tail can be during the hunt;
Like many lizards, eublefaras are able to shed their valuable tail.
In the wild, dropping the tail is a way of escaping from predators. After the tail has fallen off, it does not stop moving, thereby attracting the attention of the predator to itself, while the lizard itself can rather hide from the enemy.
There are no predators at home, however, the ability to drop the tail remains.
The cause is always stress.
– incorrect content: for example, transparent shelters or their absence, leaving a live food object for a long time with eublefar, sharp objects in the terrarium;
– keeping several individuals together: for example, you cannot keep individuals of different sexes together, and if you keep females together, one of them may begin to dominate the others, bite and fight;
– a cat / dog / animal with the temperament of a hunter. The characters of animals are different, but if your pet shows the instincts of a predator, bringing caught animals / insects into the house, you should be prepared for the fact that he will hunt for eublefar. In this case, it is worth purchasing durable terrariums and putting them in a place where your pet cannot get it or throw it off;
– sudden fall of the terrarium, eublefar, object on it;
— hitting, grabbing and tugging at the tail;
– strong compression of the eublefar in the hands or overly active games with it. Such a danger exists when a child plays with an animal. It is important to explain to the child that this animal is small and fragile, you need to interact with it carefully;
– molting: it is important to ensure that the eublefar always has a fresh, wet chamber; during periods of molting, it is a good helper. After each molt, you need to check the tail and paws and, if the gecko did not fill up, help by moistening a cotton swab and carefully removing everything. The molt that has not descended will tighten the tail, and it will gradually die off, in other words, necrosis will develop and in this case the tail can no longer be saved.
Can a loud sound cause tail flicking?
The gecko does not drop its tail due to loud noise, bright light and sudden movements. But bright light can provoke stress in Albino geckos, as they are very sensitive to it.
What to do if the eublefar still dropped its tail?
- Don’t panic;
- If your pet did not live alone, the animals need to be seated;
- If your eublefar was kept on any soil (coconut substrate, sand, mulch, etc.) – put ordinary napkins instead (rolls of paper towels are very convenient);
- During the healing of the tail, the wet chamber should be temporarily removed;
- Treat the tail with chlorhexidine or miramistin if the discharge site is bleeding;
- Maintain constant cleanliness in the terrarium;
- If you notice that the wound does not heal, begins to fester or swell, you should contact a specialist.

A new tail will grow in 1-2 months. During this period, it is important to feed the eublefar well, once a month you can give a naked, hawk, zofobas. This helps accelerate growth.
The new tail will not look like the old one. It can grow in different forms, it will be smooth to the touch and without pimples, they are distinguished by their puffiness. Sometimes a new tail grows very similar to the original, and it is difficult to understand that the eublefar has already discarded it.
Tail loss is the loss of all accumulated nutrients, especially for a pregnant female. Therefore, it is best to avoid dropping the tail.
How to avoid tail drop?
- provide the animal with the right conditions of detention and safety,
- watch for molts,
- handle it with care, and when interacting with children – control the process of the game,
- if you keep geckos in a group, regularly monitor their behavior.
Eliminate the above possible causes of stress and your gecko will be the happiest!