Echinodorus ‘Red Diamond’
Echinodorus ‘Red Diamond’, trade name Echinodorus ‘Red Diamond’. It does not occur in the wild, being a breeding hybrid species between the Uruguayan Echinodorus and Echinodorus Bart. Available for sale since 2006. Presumably bred in Eastern Europe in one of the nurseries in Ukraine.
Suitable for relatively small aquariums. Lanceolate leaves about 3 cm wide are collected in a rosette, forming a bush about 25 cm in width and height. The upper edge of the foliage plate is wavy. Underwater leaves are ruby red with dark burgundy veins. Upon reaching the surface, the color becomes green, and the shape of the leaves changes to oval.
Like other echinodorus, this variety is relatively easy to grow. Needs fertile soil rich in iron, high levels of light and warm water. Hydrochemical indicators are not significant and are in a fairly wide acceptable range of pH and dGH values.