Echinodorus Panama
Echinodorus Panama, scientific name Echinodorus tunicatus. As the name suggests, the plant is native to Panama and Costa Rica. However, the natural distribution area is not limited to Central America. The plant is also found in northern South America. Grows in shallow water bodies with silty substrates, preferring areas well lit by water.
The plant has been known in science for more than 100 years, but the first samples were brought to Europe from Ecuador only in 2004. Since then, it has gradually begun to appear in the aquarium hobby. However, it may not always be accurately identified due to its similarity to another closely related species, Echinodorus horizontalis, which has long been cultivated in home aquaria. The leaves of both species are oval in shape with a pointed tip. The surface of the leaf blade is smooth with a pattern of thin veins. Echinodorus Panamanica is distinguished by a denser arrangement of leaves in a rosette and a flower stem that grows no higher than the leaves and has a relatively small number of flowers. In turn, in Echinodorus horizontal, the flower stem is tall and thick with numerous flowers per whorl.
Able to grow both completely immersed in water and in moist, warm greenhouses. His ideal environment is swamps. When growing, it is desirable to provide soft nutrient soil, acidic soft water and a good level of lighting.