Dogs that can be trained
If you dream of a four-legged friend who grasps commands on the fly, executes them responsibly and surprises others with cool tricks, be careful about choosing a breed. Some dogs are completely untrainable. And it’s not about the level of intelligence, but about character and temperament. Self-sufficiency and independence are laid down at the genetic level. For example, Akita Inu does not run after the ball, because he does not see the point in it. And for the Jack Russell, fetching is an interesting and exciting activity. It is very difficult to make a Malamute follow commands, as he is his own leader. And for a German Shepherd, every word of the owner is the law. In our article, we will present 5 dog breeds that can be trained. They perfectly learn commands and get sincere pleasure from their execution. Take note!
Perpetual motion machines that never sit still. Incredibly smart, funny and cheerful dogs with a developed beater instinct. In Great Britain, in their homeland, boarders still work on pastures, as in the old days. In urban conditions, these dogs also tend to chase everyone: if not sheep, then other dogs, cats, children, and sometimes even their owners. Curious, energetic and hardworking, Border Collies are highly trained. These are masters of agility, dancing with dogs, and indeed of all sports disciplines. By the way, the ancestors of the border dogs are Viking dogs. Perhaps that is why they have such a strong passion for everything new!
English wisdom says: “A poodle is not a dog, but a person!”. And the point is not in an impressive appearance, but in amazing intelligence. It is not for nothing that Mephistopheles appeared to Faust in the form of a poodle! These dogs gained fame in the Middle Ages. Famous circus tricksters, obedient pets, four-legged soldiers of the French army from the time of Bonaparte, and simply handsome people – the whole world knows about poodles! Interestingly, until the 17th century, among students, poodles were considered a symbol of high abilities. Apparently, students dreamed of grasping all the information on the fly, and not through long, painstaking work. Just like poodles!
The German Shepherd is one of the few breeds whose popularity never fades. We can say that this is a classic dog: smart, loyal, obedient, strong, affectionate and very beautiful. Sheepdogs are literally man’s best friend. On their account many saved lives and even more feats. They went side by side with a man through the most terrible warriors and worked as rescuers in hot spots. Shepherd dogs still work today in rescue and guard services, in the police, in therapy, but at the same time they remain the kindest pets, responsible companions, true friends and nannies. These dogs are easy to train.
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We present you sunbeams weighing 40 kg! Meet Labradors and Retrievers! Two similar breeds from the same group.
It is difficult to find more loving, friendly and at the same time responsible dogs. There is not a drop of aggression in them. They are ideal pets for families with children, loyal and cheerful friends. They are characterized by lightness and optimism in everything – even in the most difficult teams. Labradors and retrievers are not just everyone’s favorites, but also healers, guides, teachers, rescuers and police officers. Remember how they say: a talented dog is talented in everything? Here is the best example for you!
Doberman is an athletic, stately dog, with which you just want to sculpt sculptures. Personality is in no way inferior to appearance. Dobermans are obedient, devoted, affectionate and noble: they never offend the weak. Interestingly, the breed was created by a talented police officer – Friedrik Dobermann. For many years he sought to find a dog with ideal guarding qualities, but he always ran into shortcomings. Disappointed, he decided to create the perfect guard himself – this is how the Doberman breed appeared. As a tribute to their creator, Dobermans serve responsibly in the police and the army and at the same time remain affectionate pets, for which the word of the owner always comes first.
What breeds would you add? Share your experience!