Dogs can’t fly? Looking at these photos, you will see otherwise!
Maxim Gorky wrote: “Born to crawl, he cannot fly.” A catchphrase of a classic that has become a cult, which has two sides: philosophical and literal.
Let’s talk about its literal meaning today. Indeed, a snake will never take off, and a cockroach will never grow wings.
But there are animals that can completely destroy our ideas about their capabilities. And, most surprisingly, these animals are our four-legged pets.
What dogs do in an attempt to catch a ball or a Frisbee defies logical explanation. At that moment, when they fly up into the air, there is only one thought in my head: “I wish I had time to take a picture …!”.
But, unfortunately, these moments are too fleeting, and sometimes we simply do not have time to get a gadget to perpetuate the flight.
Looking at the “flying” dogs, one never ceases to be amazed at the skill and talent of the photographer Ksenia Raikova! Her photographs are touching and inspiring. Dogs can “fly”, love, make friends and surprise! See more fantastic photos in the profile of Ksenia Raikova. You might also be interested in: A selection of photos of dogs with touchingly turned heads«