“Doggy smell” – the norm or still not?
Even the most dedicated dog lovers can’t stand the “dog smell”. There is nothing surprising. But many people do not even realize that the unpleasant smell from the pet’s hair is not a curse that you will definitely have to put up with.
“Doggy smell” is characteristic of some breeds due to a predisposition to skin problems and thick coats. But all this can and must be fought. Only the dog that the owners do not want to properly care for will smell. But it’s not about you, is it?
We will tell you what causes bad breath and how to get rid of it.
Causes of smell
Remember – a well-groomed and healthy dog will not smell. If you smell an unpleasant smell from your pet, this is a signal that you should take a number of measures and take care of your ward.
- Disease
The same otitis has a rather specific smell that you will feel throughout the apartment. It may be in other diseases, for example, seborrhea, which occurs when sebum is produced more actively than usual.
Hormonal surges, metabolic disorders, obesity – all this can also be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
If you frequently bathe and monitor your dog, but the smell persists, you should contact the veterinarian.
- Specificity of the breed
The thicker and thicker the dog’s coat, the stronger it can smell. Therefore, four-legged kosmatiks need special care. Be sure to wash the dog using special products, do not let the pet stay wet for a long time, because. Bacteria thrive in wet wool.
But not only a fluffy coat becomes the cause of the smell. Even short-haired breeds such as pug, sharpei, bulldog, boxer, can be sources of unpleasant “ombre”. Some wet noses may smell from the folds of skin where dirt clogs. Therefore, the owners of “wrinkled” pets need to thoroughly clean each of their folds. This is an important hygiene issue.
- Wrong bathing
Often, owners, wanting to save money, wash their dogs with human shampoos or even laundry soap. Under no circumstances should this be done. Our products have a high pH, and this is harmful to the skin of dogs.
Buy shampoo at the pet store. Preferably those that are designed specifically for your breed, but universal ones will do. They normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, perfectly clean the coat from dirt and reduce shedding.
Don’t forget to put the conditioner in your shopping basket next to the shampoo. It will make the coat shiny and pleasant to the touch, moisturize the skin. This will definitely affect not only the appearance of the dog, but also its smell, which will definitely be pleasant.
- Blockage of the anal glands
Yes, yes, this can also be an unpleasant smell! Follow your pet. If he often licks and itches, rubs his booty on the floor and other surfaces, it is possible that there is a blockage of the paraanal glands. With this problem, you need to contact a specialist. Lack of treatment will provoke inflammatory processes and complications.
- Improper diet
If the dog eats randomly and improperly, this leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and related ailments. For example, to disorders of the glands that secrete an odorous secret. The pet will be unwell and, of course, smell bad. Feed your dog a balanced diet. Savings in this matter is unjustified.
- Lack of hair care
It is not enough to bathe the dog, it is also important to comb it regularly. Excess fluff perfectly absorbs moisture and exudes a smell. For each breed, care is individual, so choose it specifically for your pet.
- Irregular room cleaning
Cleanliness in the house is very important, and if a four-legged family member lives in it, it is doubly important. Do wet cleaning more often, do not disregard especially dusty areas under sofas and behind cabinets.
Be sure to wash the couch or bedding of the ward, because. they perfectly absorb odors and serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Do not forget to air the apartment when you go for a walk with your ponytail.
As soon as you find out the cause of the smell of dog from the dog, take immediate action. Especially when it comes to the physiology and health of your pet.
How to get rid of dog odor?
When we figured out the causes of an unpleasant smell from a dog, the ways to deal with it became more obvious. Let’s summarize:
If you take good care of your dog, he will not smell. Otherwise, you are dealing with a disease that needs to be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.
The smell may not always come from wool. Pay attention to the ears and feed the pet.
Wash your dog after every walk, especially in slushy weather.
Learn the rules for caring for your breed, purchase only special bathing products. There are breeds of dogs that require more attention and time for hygiene procedures, be sure to consider this. You can buy dog deodorant and dry shampoo, but remember that these products will not replace a full wash.
Feed your dog properly, do not give food from your table, choose premium or holistic food.
Do not let the dog stay wet for a long time, be sure to dry the coat, especially with fluffies. It is also important to brush your pet regularly.
Keep the house and the place where the dog most often stays clean.

A couple of life hacks
Places that smell especially strongly of a dog can be rubbed with half an apple: it perfectly absorbs odors.
To keep your home smelling good, buy an air freshener in any supermarket that eliminates unpleasant odors from pets.
As we said at the beginning, only the dog that the owner does not want to look after will smell. Therefore, it is in your power to rid your pet of an unpleasant smell on your own or with the help of a specialist.