Dog Breeds That Don’t Smell
For this reason, it is possible to separate breeds of dogs that do not smell and are perfect for people with a particularly sensitive sense of smell, as well as those breeds that, on the contrary, are distinguished by the presence of a noticeable smell.
What breeds smell?
Primitive breeds, as well as shepherds, molossians and many hunting dogs, have a characteristic “wild” coat, and their skin glands secrete more odorous secretions. Historically, representatives of these breeds were kept on the street, in a barn or a sheepfold, and the owners were not at all interested in how strongly these dogs smell and shed. All this is true of many greyhounds, pointers, hounds, retrievers and sled dogs. However, this fact does not mean that the content of such breeds in an apartment or house is completely excluded. The smell becomes more pronounced when the coat gets wet and dirty, so with regular washing and some attention to the care of the dog, it will not bring much discomfort.
Almost all breeds with a hard or shedding coat have a characteristic smell, more or less pronounced. It is curious that hairless, hairless breeds, contrary to popular belief, smell. Due to the lack of hairline, their skin releases a lot of protective fat, which has a specific smell. In addition, unlike dogs with hair, such animals sweat. If you are looking for a dog that practically does not smell, then you should pay attention to representatives of decorative breeds with a non-shedding coat.
What dog breeds don’t smell?
This group is mainly made up of indoor-decorative breeds, which were specially bred for living together with a person. These include:
- Bichon Frize and other lapdogs;
- poodles;
- Continental Spaniels – Papillon and Phalene;
- Shih Tzu.
Interestingly, representatives of the terrier group with soft non-shedding hair practically do not smell and, moreover, do not cause allergic reactions:
- Bedlington Terrier;
- Kerry Blue Terrier;
- Yorkshire Terrier;
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier;
- Sky terrier.
How to avoid bad odor?
In order to avoid a repulsive smell, it is important not only to monitor the cleanliness of the pet’s coat and general hygiene, but also to properly feed the dog and maintain its health. To do this, you should not neglect preventive examinations at the veterinarian and immediately contact the clinic when the condition and behavior of the pet changes.
Normally, no dog should exude a sharp unpleasant odor. Its appearance is a sign of serious malfunctions in the pet’s body.
Unfortunately, with the onset of old age, a dog, regardless of breed, can acquire a new and not the most pleasant smell. In this case, it is especially important to observe the above rules.
In order to determine whether this or that breed suits you and whether its smell suits you, you need to communicate with its representatives in the room for at least half an hour. You can also ask the owners of the breed or breeders about the presence of a characteristic smell.
If you have an allergy to dogs, it is imperative to find out what exactly is causing it. When this becomes clear, you can easily pick up a pet with whom you will be as comfortable as possible.
December 18 2017
Updated: July 18, 2021