Dog Breeds for Kids – Top 40
Selection and Acquisition

Dog Breeds for Kids – Top 40

Dog Breeds for Kids – Top 40

Dogs and children

Be careful when choosing a dog breed for children if you seriously decide to have a pet in your family. Some breeds may not be interested in children, while others may even show aggression. Some animals are inherently very child-oriented and will make good babysitters even for toddlers. For an introvert child, a dog can become a close friend, and for an extrovert, a companion in all games and pranks. When interacting with dogs, children develop responsibility, punctuality and empathy. Before you get a dog, have a preparatory conversation with your child.

What to talk about with your child:

  1. Explain to your child that having a dog is a responsibility for the next 10-15 years. Watch movies about dog loyalty together. The child must understand that a pet is not a toy and cannot be put away under the closet if it suddenly gets bored.

  2. Get tested for allergies. With temporary contact with a dog, allergies may not manifest themselves.

  3. Walk with your child in bad weather. Tell him that walks with the dog should not be missed even in rain or frost.

  4. Take a dog for overexposure from friends or volunteers. Show that a dog is not only games, but also everyday work, sometimes not very pleasant. Let the child take part in cleaning dirty dog ​​diapers, washing and feeding the dog.

  5. Ask the breeder about the possibility of returning the dog. Think about what you will do if you do not get along with the dog at all.

The Best Dog Breeds for Kids

We’ve studied breed standards, breeders and owners to come up with a list of the top 40 dog breeds for kids. It turned out that small pets are not always the best option for a family with a toddler, and large dog breeds can be a good babysitter for children and are perfect for keeping in an apartment. For convenience, we have divided the top dogs for children into three categories: small, medium and large.

Best Small Dog Breeds for Kids

Yorkshire Terrier

height at withers: 15-18 cm

weight: 2 — 3,5 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: hypoallergenic, long, smooth, requires periodic haircuts

Miniature dog with a brave character. He likes to be in sight, will support any activity, lends himself well to training. Yorkies do not like to be grabbed by the tail, hair and can react aggressively to this. Therefore, they are more suitable for children from 6 years old, who already understand how to behave with a pet. And babies, through negligence, can harm the pet.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 25-33 cm

weight: 5,5 — 8,5 kg

lifespan: 13 — 15 years

wool: dense, short, will fall out in large quantities

The pug will be a great companion for your child. Suitable for children of any age. Pugs are patient, practically do not snap at children. It will support your child in any game or just lie down next to him if the baby is not inclined to active games. This dog will bark to adults if, for example, a child has climbed high or is in danger of any other domestic danger.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

French Bulldog

height at withers: 25-35 cm

weight: 8 — 10 kg

lifespan: 10 — 14 years

wool: tight, short

French Bulldogs feel the mood of the owner very well. This quality helps them bond with children. The French Bulldog will become a devoted friend to your child, support when he is sad. This is not a very active, but not imposing dog. Calmly reacts to surrounding irritants, almost does not bark.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Jack Russell Terrier

height at withers: 25-30 cm

weight: 4 — 6 kg

lifespan: 13 — 16 years

three types of wool: smooth, hard, intermediate

An active breed that requires a lot of attention. Suitable for children from 6 years old. Jack Russells do not tolerate being squeezed too much. Therefore, be sure to be present at the first games of the child and the dog. It will become a wonderful accomplice in games for a mischievous child. If your child has a calm nature, then it is better to consider another breed.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Pomeranian Spitz

height at withers: 18-24 cm

weight: 2 — 3,5 kg

lifespan: 12 — 16 years

wool: soft, with a dense, dense undercoat

This breed is suitable for children from 6 years old, as it has a fragile physique. The child must understand what can harm the dog. Spitz are not jealous, kind, have a gentle character. They need constant communication. An ideal breed for training.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 20-25 cm

weight: 3 — 4 kg

lifespan: 12 — 14 years

wool: long, similar in structure to human hair

This is a very intelligent dog, but it can be a problem to train. Chooses one owner and is devoted only to him, even if there are many people in the family. Needs constant communication. The Maltese easily finds a common language with children, will be happy to play a lot and will not show aggression, even if the child noticeably pulls her hair. Children usually love this breed for its doll-like appearance.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Bichon Frize

height at withers: 25-30 cm

weight: 3 — 5 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: curly, thick, long, silky

The Bichon Frize is an obedient and easy to train dog. Males are better trained than females. This dog needs constant human attention, loves to be looked at a lot. It will be a pleasure to accompany the family on a hike. Suitable for both active and calm children. The Bichon Frize is one of the best small dog breeds that are suitable for apartments and children.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 24-28 cm

weight: 3 — 5 kg

lifespan: 12 — 14 years

wool: hard, sticky

Temperamental dog, similar to a brownie. Affenpinschers need early socialization, and strictness must be exercised with them in matters of education. This breed is suitable for families with teenage children. Affenpinschers perceive small children as competitors. Teenagers will also be interested in training this dog. For all their energy, Affenpinschers can spend a lot of time at home and do without long walks.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

A lapdog

height at withers: 32-38 cm

weight: 3 — 5 kg

lifespan: 13 — 14 years

wool: short, smooth

Greyhounds begin to tremble from nervous overexcitation or from cold. This is the hallmark of the breed. By nature, they are similar to cats, they do not like dampness and look for warmer places in the house. This breed is suitable for a child from 10 years old with a calm character, as they do not like a lot of noise. Greyhounds express their love for the owner tactilely, like to rub against him and lick him.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Chinese Crested

height at withers: 23-33 cm

weight: 2 — 6 kg

lifespan: 11 — 14 years

wool: long – on the head, paws and tail, body – bald

The Chinese Crested is very sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, it is best to buy such a dog for a child in an apartment. In cold weather, she needs clothes even at home. Suitable for school children. Good at tricks. Devoted to the owner, but needs constant attention. Cannot spend much time alone.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 15-25 cm

weight: 3 — 5,5 kg

lifespan: 13 — 15 years

wool: long, harsh with soft undercoat

Suitable for families with teenagers. Pekingese don’t like to be squeezed. Young children may be aggressive. A Pekingese can become a good friend if the child understands that the dog should not be picked up too often. Refers to companion dogs. It can get sick if left unattended for a long time.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 15-23 cm

weight: 1 — 3 kg

lifespan: 13 — 16 years

wool: dense, short or long, smooth, silky

This breed is strongly attached to its owner, accompanies him literally at every step. If you leave a Chihuahua alone for a long time, he will begin to take revenge. Suitable for children from 6 years old. Can be jealous of small children. At first, you will need to control the communication between the child and the dog so that both understand the rules of communication. But then the Chihuahua will be affectionate and playful.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Shih Tzu

height at withers: 23-28 cm

weight: 4,5 — 8 kg

lifespan: 11 — 16 years

wool: very long, thick and hard

Shih Tzu is a companion dog. Has a stable psyche and calm character. However, without constant attention, it can become irritable. The Shih Tzu loves children of all ages. Their coat needs constant washing and trimming. Keep in mind that such care can lie on your shoulders.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Cairn terrier

height at withers: 28-31 cm

weight: 6 — 8 kg

lifespan: 13 — 15 years

wool: hard, sticking out, with a fluffy and thick undercoat

An active dog that needs to be walked a lot. The Cairn Terrier will begin to respond by barking to any stimulus if left alone for a long time. These animals love children, they will gladly support them in any games. Cairn Terriers love to eat and will beg for treats. Therefore, make sure that the child does not overfeed the pet.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Russian toy terrier

height at withers: 20-28 cm

weight: 1,5 — 3 kg

lifespan: 10 — 12 years

wool: short, dense

Russian Toy Terriers can learn well the weaknesses of the owner and use it. They do not like to be scolded, they can be offended for a long time. Friendly, sociable, but quite anxious. Therefore, it is better to start them in a family with school-age children.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Best Medium Dog Breeds for Kids


height at withers: 25-30 cm

weight: 9 — 14 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: hard with developed undercoat, falls abundantly

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skeleton of the Corgi, you can not climb the stairs for up to three months and go down – up to six. This breed is suitable for a large family, understands the mood of the owners well and will not bother when it is inappropriate. Corgi will be both a nanny and a friend to your child, will not show discontent or aggression.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

English bulldog

height at withers: 50-55 cm

weight: 23 — 25 kg

lifespan: 7 — 10 years

wool: short, dense, without undercoat

Dogs of this breed are slow, do not like long walks. They treat children the way their owners do, that is, they copy their behavior. They will take care of the younger members of the family and play with them, endure all the inconveniences. But keep in mind that English Bulldogs are prone to flatulence and increased salivation.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Welsh terrier

height at withers: 35-39 cm

weight: 9 — 9,5 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: rigid, wire

An active dog that needs constant training and firm education. On the run, he loves to dig the ground. Suitable for children from 6 years old, younger children can be tiring. Will accompany your child in all games and pranks. Maintains high activity until old age.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Border Collie

height at withers: 47-53 cm

weight: 15 — 20 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: long or short, with a soft dense undercoat

The Border Collie is recognized as the smartest breed. Initially, these animals were used for grazing sheep. After a training course, it will become a good companion and babysitter dog for children. Needs long walks, it will be best to feel in your own house with a large backyard area.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

small poodle

height at withers: 35-45 cm

weight: 8 — 14 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: curly, corded

One of the best dogs for kids. They have high intelligence, they are happy to learn commands. Kind and obedient by nature. This breed is suitable for large families, as it is characterized by great endurance. Does not show aggression, even if children squeeze the dog excessively.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

English Cocker Spaniel

height at withers: 38-41 cm

weight: 13-14,5 cm

lifespan: 12 — 14 years

wool: soft, thick, silky

The English Cocker Spaniel belongs to the family dog ​​breeds. Spaniels need prolonged exercise and play. Start raising your pet from an early age, and then he will be neat in everyday life. These dogs are friendly and enjoy playing ball or frisbee. Cocker spaniels are prone to overeating, so make sure children don’t give them treats.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 32-40 cm

weight: 7 — 12 kg

lifespan: 12 — 14 years

wool: long, smooth, thick

Shelties often participate in dog shows, as they love attention, are playful and lend themselves well to training. It is hard to stay at home alone. This breed is suitable for an active extroverted child. But the Sheltie is very curious and tries everything that arouses her interest. Therefore, remove children’s toys away from the dog so that there are no excesses.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 33-40 cm

weight: 8 — 18 kg

lifespan: 11 — 15 years

wool: short, smooth, hard

Beagles do not tolerate loneliness, they need great physical exertion. They will bark if not walked enough. Beagles are suitable for children from 6 years old. These dogs get along well with them and will involve little owners in active games. However, do not leave your child and dog unattended in large open spaces. The beagle can get carried away and run far away.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 51-61 cm

weight: 19 — 34 kg

lifespan: 12 — 13 years

wool: thick, long, straight, hard

It is considered one of the most peaceful dogs, gets along well with other animals. Will become a wonderful nanny and friend for a child of any age. This dog is quite active, but at the same time shows moderation in games. Collie coat requires constant careful care.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Basset hound

height at withers: 28-38 cm

weight: 20 — 34 kg

lifespan: 10 — 12 years

wool: short, smooth, dense

The Basset Hound should not be left alone for a long time, otherwise he will begin to entertain the neighbors with a loud voice, similar to the sounds of a trumpet. He needs to be walked a lot. Representatives of this breed love to play with children of any age and endure excessive attention. Basset Hounds need good training as they can be very stubborn.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

samoyed dog

height at withers: 50-55 cm

weight: 15 — 30 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: long, stiff, straight, with dense down

A hardy dog ​​that has almost no breed diseases. Feels best in a large family or in the company of other animals, as it is originally a flock. Smart and selfless by nature. He gets along well even with small children, loves to play with them and act as a nanny. Samoyeds are among the dog breeds that are best suited for owning your own home and playing outdoors with children.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 44-51 cm

weight: 10 — 12 kg

lifespan: 12 — 14 years

wool: short, smooth, dense

Whippets need clothes during the cold season, because they have practically no body fat. This breed is suitable for a large sports family. Whippets need to be constantly played and trained. However, they are energetic only on the street, they prefer to relax at home. These animals are affectionate, reverent, good for children of any age.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 40-51 cm

weight: 18 — 35 kg

lifespan: 8 — 12 years

wool: short, bristly, without undercoat

Shar-Peis are smart, obedient dogs. Choose one master who will obey. To communicate with a small Shar Pei child, it is better to train with a specialist. The dog will begin to understand that the baby needs to be treated with care. With pleasure he will accompany all family members on walks, but he will not show much enthusiasm for games.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Best Large Dog Breeds for Kids

St. Bernard

height at withers: 65-90 cm

weight: 54 — 82 kg

lifespan: 9 — 11 years

wool: long, smooth, harsh, with dense undercoat

Ideal large dogs for children of all ages. Will not harm the child, even if the baby decides to ride them. They get along great with other animals. Relate to rescue dogs. By nature, they are calm and friendly, they tolerate temporary loneliness well. They like to walk a lot, but cardio loads are harmful to them.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 54-62 cm

weight: 24 — 32 kg

lifespan: 10 — 13 years

wool: short, thick, hard, falling out profusely

This breed became popular thanks to Disney cartoons. But in order for a dog to have the same good character, it needs to be trained. The owner will need confidence and perseverance. With the right upbringing, the Dalmatian will become a devoted friend to you and your children. Dogs of this breed are hyperactive, so they need to walk a lot.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Golden retriever

height at withers: 51-61 cm

weight: 25 — 41,5 kg

lifespan: 12 — 13 years

wool: long, soft, with dense undercoat

Golden Retrievers are fun-loving and human-oriented. They will be happy to participate in all family affairs. Dogs of this breed are highly intelligent, easy to train, and not aggressive. Suitable for children of any age and will be a good nanny for them.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 53-61 cm

weight: 25 — 34 kg

lifespan: 12 — 13 years

wool: short, harsh, with dense undercoat

Labradors need to be walked a lot and watch their diet, as they are prone to obesity. Dogs of this breed get along well with children of any age, they are very careful about babies. By nature they are friendly and not aggressive. Breeders rate Labradors as one of the most loyal and obedient dogs.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 65-80 cm

weight: 40 — 60 kg

lifespan: 10 — 12 years

wool: long, soft, formed into cords

Komondors are rather wayward dogs, they will think before they execute the command of the owner. They need strong physical activity. They show serious protective qualities. On walks, they will protect family members if danger is suspected. Children are friendly.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 57-70 cm

weight: 23 — 32 kg

lifespan: 10 — 13 years

wool: short, soft, wavy

The Weimaraner is very devoted to his master and does not tolerate loneliness very well. Therefore, these dogs are best kept in pairs. Weimaraners are good with children, but may respond to excessive attention, such as by nuzzling. This breed is best to start in a family where children are older than 8 years. Weimaraners need active physical activity.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

German Shepherd

height at withers: 55-65 cm

weight: 22 — 40 kg

lifespan: 10 — 13 years

wool: long, harsh, dense, with dense undercoat

German Shepherds are considered exemplary for training, have a powerful intellect. They understand what they want from them and how to behave in a particular situation. These qualities allow them to be good nannies. Small children are treated with care, and for teenagers they can become true friends.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 65-70 cm

weight: 54 — 68 kg

lifespan: 9 — 11 years

wool: dense, long, straight, with dense and fine undercoat

Newfoundlands are often used as guide dogs. They are smart, sensitive, very owner-oriented. In training, you need to be careful not to raise your voice, this can offend the dog very much. They are not prone to play, so Newfoundlands need to be encouraged to be active – for example, use their natural love of water. They love children of any age, take care of them and tolerate excessive attention.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40


height at withers: 56-61 cm

weight: 20 — 28 kg

lifespan: 11 — 13 years

wool: short, harsh, with dense undercoat

Airedales need constant exercise or they will become lethargic and emotionless. These dogs are cunning by nature, they will support any adventure. However, the breed is not suitable for toddlers. The child must understand that the Airedale Terrier should not be abruptly grabbed and pulled.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Russian black terrier

height at withers: 66-72 cm

weight: 45 — 50 kg

lifespan: 10 — 11 years

wool: soft, long, dense, with dense undercoat

The Black Russian Terrier is a guard dog. He needs to be brought up by the whole family to make him a friendly dog. In this case, the Russian Terrier will selflessly love all family members and enjoy spending time with them. He has a high intellect and a stable psyche. With the right upbringing, he will find contact with children of any age.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Bernese Mountain Dog

height at withers: 58-70 cm

weight: 36 — 50 kg

lifespan: 8 — 10 years

wool: long, thick, soft, falling out profusely

Despite its size, this dog is well suited for an apartment, but needs long walks. Bernese Mountain Dogs are big good people in every sense. They get along with all pets, love children of any age and endure all pranks from them.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Giant schnauzer

height at withers: 60-70 cm

weight: 35 — 47 kg

lifespan: 12 — 15 years

wool: hard, medium length and density

Giant Schnauzers need good training and long walks. They will begin to undermine the authority of the owner if they spend a lot of time alone. Giant Schnauzers do not belong to nurse breeds, so it is better to start them in a family with school-age children. They will become good companions in games.

Dog Breeds for Kids - Top 40

Answers to frequently asked questions

October 14 2021

Updated: October 16, 2021

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