Dog breeding
Despite all the seeming naturalness of the process of crossing and the appearance of offspring, mating is not shown to all animals. It is justified if your pet is an example of an ideal exterior, a good pedigree and excellent health. Such representatives are in demand to improve the quality of the breed. Otherwise, the owner risks getting poor-quality puppies and worsening the dog’s health. What myths are found among inexperienced breeders?
Myth 1. Mating is necessary for the health of the bitch
Pregnancy, childbirth and feeding are stressful for the dog’s body. Moreover, against the background of these processes, an exacerbation of the current diseases of the animal and the emergence of new ones can occur. Especially in cases where the owner of another dog did not conduct a full examination of his pet for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
The second important point is connected with the desire of the owner only once to mate a bitch so that she gives birth “for health”. However, as a rule, this does not add health. Throughout life, pregnant and non-pregnant bitches go through the same stages of the cycle, since ovulation in dogs is spontaneous. Therefore, the risks of diseases of the reproductive system with age in breeding bitches used in breeding, or in dogs that have never given birth, are the same. Single or multiple pregnancy is not a preventive measure.
Myth 2. Mating is necessary for the harmonious development of a male
There is an opinion that an unleashed male has problems with physical development. This is a gross misconception: the appearance of a dog is influenced by genetics, nutrition and properly selected physical exercises, and not by the presence or absence of a sexual life.
Another common argument in favor of the onset of sexual activity is the risk of developing oncology in males, which is allegedly associated with sperm stasis. Any veterinarian will tell you that it is constantly updated, regardless of the presence or absence of a partner.
As in the case of bitches, you should not untie the male “once”. The dog will remember this process and will constantly need a sexual partner. And in the absence of such, the character of the animal is likely to deteriorate, and the dog will become less manageable.
Mating an animal is a responsible process that must be approached wisely. If your pet is a worthy representative of the breed, feel free to look for a suitable partner. However, if your pet is undocumented, has conformation flaws, or has health problems, do not untie the animal. Before making a decision, consult with the breeder and veterinarian, weigh the pros and cons, and then you will find the best solution for you and your pet.
8 2017 June
Updated: July 6, 2018