Does a cat understand our emotions?

Does a cat understand our emotions?


When it comes to animals that care about how we feel, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, dogs. But cats, on the contrary, are not so famous for their ability to support us in difficult times. There is an opinion that, because of their independence and a certain detachment, they cope worse than dogs with the role of a faithful companion and ally.

Does a cat understand our emotions?


But still, can cats feel our emotions? 

As a rule, this question can be answered with confidence – “yes”. They can read some facial expressions, such as joy or anger. Cats acquire this skill over time. The longer they interact with a person, the more they associate a happy expression with pleasant things and actions, and a sad or angry expression with less positive ones.

In one experiment, it was even noticed that cats spend more time next to a happy and contented person. Of course, this behavior only works with the host. It is believed that it is not so easy for cats to understand the emotions of strangers.

Does a cat understand our emotions?


Do cats understand when we are sad?

Of course, such a response to our negative emotions, as from dogs, was not noticed in cats.

Most likely, they look at us from a more selfish point of view: “What does this facial expression mean to ME?”. Accordingly, happy people are associated with activities such as ear scratching or giving treats, while sad people are associated with less attention to them.

Does a cat understand our emotions?photo:

So, yes, cats do understand our emotions to a certain extent, but they rarely take a personal interest in them unless it brings rewards.


How do they experience emotions?

The mechanisms of the formation of emotions are developed in all animals. The only difference between their emotions and ours is that they do not reach such depth and variety and are mainly used for survival: when hunting, danger and caring for offspring or sick and old relatives.

Based on the findings of scientists from around the world, cats are unlikely to experience such deep emotions as shame, love, irritation and many others. But, like us, they can really experience sadness and joy.

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