Do turtles have ears, can they hear or are they deaf?

Among pet lovers there are people who keep turtles in the apartment. Slow and wordless, how do they perceive the world around them? Finding out how a turtle feels in an unusual environment is not so easy, so the owner of the animal must have an idea about the biology of his pet. For example, the question of whether turtles can hear baffles many.
Ear structure
The auricle is absent in land and aquatic reptiles. The middle ear is covered by the tympanic membrane, which is a membrane covered by a horny shield. It is quite thick, especially in marine specimens.
With a dense shield, the range of sounds is limited to low frequencies of the order of 150-600 Hz. Through the auditory nerves, turtles hear low sounds from 500 to 1000 Hz. The vibrations of the membrane carry the signals to the inner ear. At these frequencies, tortoises hear:
- tapping;
- clapping;
- street;
- car sounds;
- soil vibrations.
Note: Turtles have poor hearing, but they can be called by tapping on the floor. Sound is transmitted through the paws and carapace to the inner ear.
Where are the turtle’s ears?
The inner ears are located a little further than the eyes and have an oval outline. Without an auricle, which is absent, they are covered by a horny shield. Due to the shield, the ears are protected from external influences, and the thick membrane allows you to save the organ. Turtle ears are located on the sides of the head and help to navigate in space.
The meaning of sound in the life of a reptile
Charles Darwin believed turtles to be deaf, which is a mistake. But more important in their lives is sharp vision and the ability to distinguish colors. The sense of smell, with the help of which they find their relatives, determine their location, and look for food, does not fail them.
But hearing also helps animals in nature. They feel the danger or the approach of someone due to the vibrations of the ground. During the mating season, some species make sounds, attracting an individual of the opposite sex.
Opinions about the aquatic representatives of this family differ: some consider them deaf, while others attribute sharp hearing to them. Some representatives are credited with the ability to hear like cats. The story is retold, how the turtles came out of the water to mournful singing.
Note: With the ability to smell and see the world around them, these animals have developed a “compass sense” that helps them navigate in space.
The role of sound
Pet turtles can hear people. They catch intonations: if you speak loudly and harshly, they hide their heads in their shells and gentle, affectionate words make them stretch their necks and listen. Turtle ears can sense:
- Steps;
- loud bass;
- the sound of a falling object;
- perceive classical music.
Regarding the music, opinions also differ: some believe that the turtles like the classics and they freeze, stretching their necks.
Others suggest that they react to loud music, but in nature such sounds can be a danger signal and the animal is stressed.
Tip: You can and should talk to an animal, but only in a low voice. The pet will get used to listening to you and will wait for communication, stretching its head and listening. It is important that the “dialogue” takes place at about the same time.
What does the red-eared turtle hear?
Red-eared members of the family are common and beloved pets. The ears of the red-eared turtle are no different in structure from its relatives. But oddly enough, they well define most sounds, but also low-frequency ones.
The noise of footsteps, slamming the door, rustling paper causes the reaction of the animal. Red-eared turtles hear the slightest sounds at a frequency of 100 to 700 Hz no worse than a cat. The owners claim that many individuals enjoy classical music, which they perceive with interest, pulling their heads out of their shells and freezing. Why the red-eared turtle’s hearing is better is unknown. There is no explanation for this, but the fact remains.
Opinions of pet owners
Watching the turtles, many owners made up their own idea, as their pet hears:
Olga: My “twins” – two red-eared turtles love to sit on their hands, but they get excited when they hear someone else’s voice.
Natalia: I sometimes sing Italian songs that my turtle likes madly. She pulls her head, which shakes to the beat of the music. I don’t know if the turtle has ears, but hearing is definitely present.
Marina: My “wanderer” does not react to music, but loud sounds: screams, grinding, the sound of a drill annoys her and she panics, trying to find a secluded corner and hide.
The tortoise has ears. Another thing is that they are arranged in a special way and do not play a leading role in her life. So the surrounding world of a slow reptile is not only full of colors and smells, but there are also some sounds in it.
The organs of hearing in turtles
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