Do cats have a belly button?
As we already understood, the navel is formed at the site of the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord in kittens is the only connection to the mother cat. Before birth, it is attached to the wall of the uterus and through it the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients necessary for growth and development. It is the same in the opposite direction – all waste products exit through the umbilical cord, are processed by the body of a pregnant female and are excreted. It is the umbilical cord in cats that connects the fetus to the mother.
After birth, it is cut off and at the site of its attachment, the kitten develops a defect on the skin. It is not as pronounced as in humans and is considered to be the navel in cats. This scar on the skin of an adult animal is not needed and does not perform any function for the body.

Photo of a cat’s navel
The navel in cats is not easy to find, since most representatives of this species have skin covered with hair. It is easier to find it in bald pets: in the middle of the abdomen there will be a small spot, usually lighter than the rest of the skin, with clear rounded outlines.
A cat’s navel is harder to find in furry animals. It is also located just below the middle of the abdomen. Most pets have no hair at the navel. To find it, you will have to carefully push the wool apart, cut it or wet it.

Turn the cat over on its back. You should have a good view of the abdomen, as the scar is in its center.
Define the middle third of the abdomen. Conventionally, the cat’s body is divided into the neck, chest (its end is limited by the last ribs), belly and groin.
Approximately in the middle of the abdomen, we can find the cat’s navel.
If your pet has thick hair, be patient and persevere. You will have to methodically explore the middle third of the abdomen, and you will find a place where there is less or no hair. It will be light, often white, round in shape. In cats with a dark coat color, the skin is dark, the spot is more pronounced, and it is easier to find it. In light-colored animals, the skin itself is white, and the scar will be less noticeable. To facilitate the search, you can moisten the wool so that it does not fluff, but lies in rows.

Do kittens have an umbilical cord?
All kittens have an umbilical cord; without it, the fetus cannot grow and develop. After birth, it is either gnawed by the mother cat or cut by the doctor. The main purpose is to connect the kitten with the fetal bladder.
A stump (the remnant of the umbilical cord) appears at the place of separation, over time it dries up, forming a navel in kittens. For quick healing, the mother cat licks the cubs or doctors perform regular treatments.

After about 5-7 days, the remnants of the umbilical cord will dry up and fall off, and in its place there will be an umbilical ring, which should grow completely and a small pink tubercle – over time, it will turn white and equal to the skin.
We have decided whether the kittens have a navel, and then we will analyze what problems can arise with it.
Potential Belly Button Problems in Cats
The following diseases are associated with the cat’s navel (this is especially true for young cats and kittens):
Umbilical hernia
The umbilical cord is attached to the abdominal muscles – the so-called umbilical ring. Normally, after it dries out, the ring overgrows, and there is no trace of it left. In some kittens, due to incorrect cutting of the umbilical cord, the development of an infection or the characteristics of the body, it does not overgrow, and an umbilical hernia occurs. As a rule, abdominal fat falls out through the ring under the skin. It looks like an inflated ball on the abdomen: if it is palpated, then a hole can be found on the abdominal wall. To treat this problem, they wait until the kitten grows up and perform an operation to suture the umbilical hernia. Often it is combined with other procedures – for example, with sterilization.
Redness and swelling of the navel
If the cat gnawed off the umbilical cord too short, she has an infection or tartar in her mouth, she licks the navel a lot, then inflammation forms in this place. It turns red and swells, the local temperature rises. As a rule, in such conditions, veterinary care is not required, it is enough to improve hygiene and treat the navel and mouth with antiseptics.
Umbilical infection
For a newborn, the navel is a potential source of infection. When infected, it begins to fester, white, green discharge appears, the area around it swells and hurts. The kitten eats little, screams a lot and does not sleep. It is important to seek veterinary care at the first symptoms of an umbilical infection. Requires local treatment, antibiotics and constant monitoring of the baby.