Do cats get offended?
Can a cat be offended by its owner? How do cats feel when they are hurt? How to make peace with a pet? About this and much more in our article.
They say that cats walk by themselves and love only themselves. But affectionate purrs, not getting off the knees of the owners, refute this. They become attached to people no less than dogs, try to spend every minute near the owner and are very sad when they are alone. Such cats are sensitive, their mood largely depends on the owner, and it is very easy to offend them. But self-sufficient and seemingly independent cats are just as offended. Perhaps they do not need the constant attention of the household, but any inaccurate gesture can hurt them so much that it will take a long time to return the pet’s location!
Each cat is individual, just like its owners. And everyone reacts differently to being hurt. Some withdraw into themselves and become unsociable, stop trusting and avoid their owners, while others build a revenge plan.
Have you heard stories about cat mischief: arranged mess or puddles left in the middle of the room? All this is true. Cats can really “harm” in response to an insult. But what drives them – stress or cold calculation – is a big question!
But one thing is certain: cats don’t feel guilty. Don’t expect her to start lamenting her “bad” behavior and never do it again. On the contrary, all the actions that a cat takes are completely natural for her. Only gentle patient upbringing and your love will help to solve the problem.
Top 6 reasons for feline grudges:
- Physical punishment.
Did you shake the cat by the scruff of the neck or throw a slipper at it? We hasten to disappoint you: you will not achieve anything good. Physical punishment (with the exception of a symbolic flick on the nose or slapping a newspaper on the bottom) will not make the pet behave better. But it is quite possible that they will make him lose respect for you and start to fear you.
- Loud screams.
Many cats are afraid of loud noises. And if your beloved owner yells at you, then the level of stress goes off scale. A cat can be seriously offended by raising her voice, and you will have to persuade her to get out from under the sofa for a long time.
- Lack of attention.
For sensitive sociable cats, the cold attitude of the owner is a real tragedy. They can sincerely suffer from a lack of attention, feel lonely, and be very bored. If the owner continues to ignore the cat, she will stop being affectionate and start avoiding his company.
- Scruff pulling.
Cats (both wild and domestic) often grab kittens by the scruff of the neck: threateningly to teach them manners, or practically to move them. But if the kitten feels completely normal at the same time, then for an adult cat pulling by the collar is a real insult. Don’t make this mistake!
- Disrespect for personal space.
Not all cats are tame. Many simply hate hugs, especially from a stranger. Any encroachment on the personal space of a domestic predator can result in scratches and bites. And given that cats give a lot of warning signs before an attack, it’s hardly their fault!
- Prolonged absence of owners.
Returning home from a trip, the owners are in a hurry to hug their pet, and he meets them with an indifferent look! Or does not meet at all. But the fact is that during your absence, the cat was so yearned that she managed to take offense at you several times in a row and even move away a little. Some cats experience the absence of their owners so acutely that they lose their appetite and start to get sick.
How to make peace with a cat if she is offended? The main rule is not to punish her, not to increase stress. If a cat “revenges” and “plays mischief” in protest, and you scolded her for it, her resentment will only multiply. You run the risk of completely and irrevocably ruining your relationship with your beloved pet.
The correct tactic is a gentle approach, attention and care, patient friendly upbringing. Show offended pet that you still love him, treat him with a special treat, play with him. Even the most inflated whim will sooner or later give in, and your friendship will be restored!
Be sure to find out what actions offend your pet and try not to repeat them in the future. The cat is a formidable enemy, and it is better not to confront it!
Tell me, do you quarrel with your purrs? What are they offended by and how are reconciliations going?