Do all cats need treats?
It is difficult to resist and not treat your tailed pet with something tasty, agree? However, here it is worth understanding what goodies can be given, and what exactly should not fall into the cat’s stomach. Let’s talk about what cat treats are for, do pets need them and how to choose them correctly.
Cat treats: what is it for?
Arguing on this topic, it makes sense to remember ourselves: after all, we cannot constantly eat ordinary food, sometimes we want to treat ourselves to something tasty. For cats, treats are also important. And both for young cats and for the elderly – to each his own.
Most often, purrs eat a certain brand of food for almost their entire lives. And treats are a great option to diversify your daily diet a little.
Treats may also be needed for:
Manifestations of love. Having eaten a treat from the hands of a person, the cat will quickly get used to it. A person will evoke only positive associations in a four-legged animal, and this is what we need if we want to win over a pet to ourselves.
Rewards for good behavior, command execution, etc. In the training of any pet, the moment of reward is very important – this is the only way to consolidate progress. Treats along with affectionate words and strokes will be a great motivation for the cat to do everything right.
Relaxation after treatment and unpleasant procedures. Vet visits, treatment, nail trimming, and bathing – most cats can’t stand it all. The yummy will cheer up your pet a little and make him get a little distracted from negative emotions.
Additional source of vitamins. In the pet store, you can choose not only delicious, but also healthy treats that will help improve digestion, coat quality, dental health, etc. Pay special attention to such products if your cat has health problems.
Delicacy delicacy strife. It turns out that not all products can be regaled with mustachioed-striped ones. Let’s talk about what treats you can give a cat, and which – in no case.
What can you give a cat?
Conventionally, cat treats can be divided into 5 types:
Homemade treats from natural products
Snacks without nutrients and vitamins for a snack
Vitamin treats
High-nutrition snacks (for cats that eat very little)
Preventive treats.
Treats intended for the prevention of various diseases are best purchased after consultation with a veterinarian.
The above delicacies can be safely given to pets (some – only after the permission of a specialist). But there are foods that are contraindicated for cats even in small quantities.
What should not be given to a cat?
Sausages (they contain a lot of salt and spices, which cause an electrolytic imbalance in the body);
Chocolate and other products with cocoa beans (contain theobromine, a dangerous substance that accumulates in the liver and is not excreted from the body);
Sweets (lead to diabetes);
Raisins, grapes (cause vomiting and diarrhea);
Flour products, peas and other legumes (provoke fermentation in the intestines);
Duck meat, lard (lead to pancreatitis due to the high fat content);
Fish, chicken and other bones (injure the mouth, esophagus and intestines);
Milk (due to the lack of an enzyme that breaks down lactose in the body of adult cats, it is not digested);
Raw eggs (there will be problems with wool due to the avidin contained in the eggs).
Cats certainly need treats, so you can sometimes pamper your pet with something tasty and healthy. But do not feed your pet treats, they should not replace the main meal. Also, do not force treats: if the cat is indifferent to the treat, it means that he has already received all the necessary vitamins from the feed.
Be careful when choosing treats. It should not be too cheap and contain harmful additives and dyes. Also consider the age of your pet, this is also very important.
Check with your veterinarian about what treats to buy for your cat if they have any health problems. You will be recommended approved foods and treats that will not harm your cat.
In no case do not give the cat food from your table, even if the pet begs for the ill-fated piece of smoked sausage with insanely hungry eyes. Remember that many of the foods you eat can cause irreparable harm to your cat.
Please your cats and do it wisely!