Diseases of cats: cystitis
Can cats get cystitis? – Maybe. And, unfortunately, quite often. We will talk in detail about the disease and its causes in our article.
Pets often suffer from the same diseases that we do. Cystitis is no exception. It is worth one day to get sick with cystitis and not cure it – how it will return for any reason. It may take a long time to fight him, but all efforts will be useless at the slightest violation of the instructions.
What is cystitis?
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. The disease can be independent or secondary, i.e. accompany another disease, such as an infection. There are acute and chronic forms of cystitis. Acute symptoms are immediately noticeable, but the chronic form can be blurred, for a long time without betraying itself.
Acute cystitis causes great discomfort to the cat. The pet is in pain, he cannot go to the toilet normally, he is worried, sometimes he screams. His health is rapidly deteriorating. The sooner the cat is delivered to the veterinarian, the more successful the treatment will be.
Cystitis is a common disease in cats. It can develop at any age, regardless of the breed and general health of the pet. What reasons can provoke it?
Cystitis in cats: causes
- Subcooling.
The most common cause of cystitis. Strong drafts and temperature changes, combined with a weakened immune system, can easily provoke cystitis. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not get into drafts and does not sleep on the cold floor. If the apartment is cold, hairless cats will need warm clothes.
- Metabolic disease.
Poor water and feed quality, insufficient fluid intake, an unbalanced diet, overfeeding or, conversely, a lack of food – all this disrupts metabolism and leads to cystitis
- Other diseases
Cystitis can be the result of an infection or a chronic illness. Viruses and bacteria are carried with the blood throughout the body. As a result, some diseases seem to jump from one organ to another.
- Decreased immunity.
This item includes everything that negatively affects the functioning of the immune system. This is long-term antibiotic treatment, and stress, and infection with parasites, and much more. Weakened immunity makes the body vulnerable, and cystitis – as one of the most common diseases – will not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity.
And these are only the main causes of cystitis, in practice there are many more. To prevent disease, properly care for your pet and monitor its health.
- Injuries to the abdomen and back.
Injuries to the abdomen can cause local hemorrhage, which will give inflammation to the walls of the bladder. With back injuries, there is a high probability of a pinched nerve. This will disrupt the process of urination and also lead to an inflammatory reaction.
And these are just the main reasons for the development of the disease. In practice, there are many more. To protect the health of your pet, adhere to the correct conditions of detention and control the state of his health.