Decorative rabbit: pros and cons
Decorative rabbits are nice and very interesting animals. Depending on the breed, they can be very large or very tiny, lop-eared and stick-eared, excessively fluffy or smooth-haired. And, of course, each eared has its own unique character.
To everyone who decides to have a decorative rabbit at home, we will tell you what are the pros and cons of these funny little animals. And let’s start with the positives.
The rabbit is a very clean animal. It is not necessary to bathe him unnecessarily, unless he is heavily smeared in the ground or in something else.
The baby quickly becomes accustomed to the tray and will never go to the toilet where he sleeps and plays.
Rabbit fur is hypoallergenic. Therefore, if someone from the household is allergic to cat or dog hair, then the rabbit will be an excellent alternative.
The rabbit does not emit an unpleasant odor, as is the case with cats and dogs. If the owner cleans the dwelling of the eared and monitors the cleanliness of his area under the tail, then the animal will not exude stench. On the contrary, rabbit fur smells good.
Rabbits are distinguished by curiosity and playfulness, so it will never be boring with him. They are also quite smart, so they need puzzle games. Watching a rabbit is a pleasure!
Rabbits do not need to walk in the usual sense for us. Yes, some rabbit owners take their pets outside, but they make a mistake. First, harnesses sold in pet stores can damage a rabbit’s delicate skeleton. Secondly, there are many dangers and sources of stress in the street for a rabbit, ranging from dirty grass to passing cars and barking dogs. The rabbit does not need walks at all, he lives well at home. You can take the animal to a private fenced area, but make sure that birds of prey do not fly nearby. If you take the rabbit to the country, be sure to get vaccinated.
Infectious diseases of rabbits are not dangerous to humans, but can be fatal to a pet.
In keeping and feeding, rabbits are quite inexpensive. They require quality food without harmful additives, hay, fresh herbs, vegetables and a small amount of fruit 2-3 times a week as a treat. If you calculate how much money goes into keeping a cat or dog, it turns out that a rabbit is quite inexpensive.
An eared friend is perfect for apartment maintenance, because a rabbit is an almost silent creature.
The rabbit does not need a lot of space in the apartment. Minimum cage size: 1,5 m × 0,6 m × 0,6 m. Do not choose small cages: in them, rabbits suffer from physical inactivity and obesity. A cage should not be a prison for a fluffy baby. Ideally, if you can give your pet walks around the apartment. At the same time, make sure that the rabbit does not chew on the wires, because he needs to try everything “by the tooth”.
Rabbits quickly become attached to a person and reciprocate affection. If you treat the eared with love and awe, he will certainly appreciate it.
Rabbits live on average 8-9 years, but with quality feeding and good conditions, they live up to 12 years. This is the average lifespan of a dog. So the pet will not leave you for a long time.
You can list the advantages of rabbits for a very long time. But let’s move on to the cons.
Cons of decorative rabbits
They should definitely be taken into account by everyone who dreams of a rabbit.
Like cats, rabbits can mark their territory with urine. And she smells far from roses. Uncastrated males are especially prone to this habit.
In rabbits, teeth grow constantly and throughout their lives, so they need to gnaw something all the time. And it’s good if your ward chooses hay or wooden twigs for this purpose. But usually eared teeth try on wires, skirting boards, wallpaper, chair legs, carpets and everything else that doesn’t lie well. Therefore, a critter needs an eye and an eye.
This minus is also associated with teeth, or rather, with their constant growth. Often, rabbit teeth can grow to such a size that they need to be sharpened. In no case should you do this yourself, only a veterinarian can do this.
Speaking of veterinarians. Small towns may not have veterinarians who specialize in rodents. But you can always turn to a competent veterinarian: he can help.
These animals have a weak heart. A very loud sound, the unexpected appearance of a person from around the corner, the barking of a dog – anything can cause a heart rupture. Of course, there are rabbits who eventually get used to a vacuum cleaner, and to the thunder outside the window, and even to a neighbor with a drill. But some babies are too sensitive and may not be able to handle the stress.
It is worth considering that there is no vomiting in rabbits as such. Their bodies just can’t do it. So what the rabbit eats needs to be monitored very carefully. Eared can die from improper or spoiled food.
Rabbit peas, they are everywhere! Yes, rabbits know their toilet very well and defecate only there. But sometimes peas can stick to the paws and tail of the animal, and when he runs, they fall to the floor. If you do not follow on the heels and do not clean up the balls after the rabbit, a real minefield will form after a day.
As a first pet for children, rabbits are categorically not suitable. This is not an animal that can be picked up and squeezed. First, most rabbits don’t like being picked up by force. Secondly, the skeleton of rabbits is so fragile that a little compression is enough to lead to trouble.
Although a rabbit can get along with other pets, there is a high risk of injury from a cat or dog during the game. Needless to say, the rabbit is by nature a victim, and the cat and the dog are hunters. Instincts can “cover” at any moment. Therefore, it is better not to keep a rabbit with other pets. Or at least keep them out of touch.
So we talked about the pros and cons of a decorative rabbit in an apartment. There were also a lot of minuses, and each former or current owner of an eared can add to this list. But if you sincerely love your pet, all his shortcomings become less important. And positive emotions from communication and content more than cover all the difficulties.