Crinum floating
Crinum floating, scientific name Crinum natans. It comes from West Africa, where it grows in fast-flowing rivers and streams flowing under the canopy of the rainforest.
Outwardly, it resembles another representative of the genus – Crinum wavy. The plant has long, ribbon-like leaves with wavy edges. In favorable conditions, the leaves can reach more than one meter in length and about 5 cm wide, however, in the limited space of the aquarium, they are noticeably smaller. Young shoots have long and rather fragile roots (this must be taken into account when transplanting). In the adult state, a tuber is formed, towering above the substrate. In the case of a transplant, it accordingly cannot be completely covered with soil. In shallow aquariums, Krinum floating can let
It is not difficult to take care of Krinum floating, it is able to adapt to a wide range of temperatures and hydrochemical values of water. The main thing is to avoid its frequent transplantation. As noted above, tender roots are easily damaged, which is not the best effect on the plant, especially if it does not have a bulb with a supply of nutrients.