Creative grooming
Defeating the autumn blues is easy if you let your imagination run wild! Why not try your hand at being a hairdresser and give your pet a fun hairstyle or haircut? Your dog will be happy for attention, and you will smile every time you look at your four-legged household! And how many admiring glances a stylish pet will collect on a walk …
Today, the possibilities of grooming are almost endless. The owner can embody any creative ideas or trust the skill of a professional groomer. The only thing you need to focus on when choosing a haircut or hairstyle is the length and type of pet’s coat.
Perhaps on a walk you met a dog with a comb like a dragon or a mohawk, and maybe even with wool dyed in bright colors. Agree, it looks very impressive, especially against the backdrop of gray everyday life! Non-traditional haircuts, hairstyles and colors are called “creative grooming”. This direction is very popular, because thanks to him the owner can always update the appearance of the pet, not following the standards. Special techniques allow you to create interesting patterns, pictures and shapes on the body. Moreover, a special temporary tattoo or rhinestone patterns can be applied to the dog! Of course, all this is completely safe if you trust professional grooming masters.
However, many owners prefer to work on the image of the pet on their own. This is very interesting and not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to master the basic technique and use professional cosmetics and tools that will suit the individual characteristics of a particular pet.
Unsuitable clipping tools, as well as shampoos, gels, varnishes and other products can not only thwart your idea, but also seriously harm the animal. Unfortunately, cuts, skin irritations, allergic reactions, dermatitis and coat deterioration are common consequences of improper grooming. In order not to reinforce the statistics, be careful when choosing the products you use and give preference to professional tools and cosmetics. With their help, you will achieve results no worse than in a grooming salon. With the help of a powerful fixing varnish, for example, Sil Fix by Iv San Bernard, you can easily give your pet a spectacular mohawk, Bio-Groom Super Foam foam will help create creative styling, and Bio-Groom tinted shampoos and 1 ALL SYSTEMS conditioners will allow you to play with shades of wool. Armed with a set of effective tools, you will create a mini grooming salon right at home and be able to experiment with the images of pets.
Fantasize, improve your skills and delight yourself and your pets with creative ideas! We will be glad if you share the results with us in our communities.