Colt in a cat: causes, treatment and prevention
Dense lumps of matted wool, consisting of dead and living hairs, are tangles. They usually form in the groin and armpits, on the neck, on the tail, behind the ears, and on the abdomen. Animals cannot get rid of tangles on their own, so they need human help. What is the reason for their appearance?
Most cats take care of their fur on their own: they lick themselves, removing dead hairs. But in some cases, their hair falls off, turning into dense lumps.
Factors for the appearance of tangles
There are several reasons why mats form in a cat:
- Too long hair Long-haired breeds, such as Persians, Maine Coons, Angora, Siberian and others, cannot cope with their fluffy fur coat on their own. It is especially difficult for Persian cats, as their shortened muzzles complicate licking. Daily combing with a special brush will help prevent the appearance of tangles.
- Unbalanced diet The lack of vitamins and nutrients in the cat’s diet sooner or later leads to poor coat quality. The scales that make up the outer layer of the hair no longer fit tightly to each other, the hairs become dull and begin to cling to each other, forming tangles. High-quality food or vitamin supplements prescribed by a veterinarian will help improve the condition of the coat.
- Health problems Sick and elderly cats find it difficult to care for their coat. If the pet has stopped licking, the cause may be skin diseases, parasites, inflammation in the oral cavity, general weakness. In this case, you need to check the health of the cat with a veterinarian and comb out its coat daily.
- Sticky substances If sticky substances, such as tar, feces, paint, honey, etc., get on the cat’s hair, the hairs can stick together and provoke the formation of tangles. A pet cannot remove such pollution without human help.
- Unsuitable detergents Cats should not be washed with human shampoo or ordinary soap. Human hair has a completely different structure, so it is better to purchase a special shampoo for more delicate cat hair.
Why are mats dangerous in cats?
Some owners believe that felted wool is a purely aesthetic problem and does not interfere with the cat at all. But in fact, mats can cause skin diseases, ulcers and weeping wounds. Under dense hairballs, the pet’s skin overheats and sweats, creating an ideal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
In addition, tangles can cause discomfort and even pain to the cat, especially if they cling to something while walking. If a pet tries to bite the tangle, he may injure himself. Any damage to the skin under matted hair can fester. It is especially dangerous when a long-haired cat has tangles. What to do to solve this problem?
How to comb mats on a cat
If the hairball is not very dense, you can deal with it with a special spray and comb. First you need to spray on a dry tangle, and then gently try to comb it with a comb with rare teeth, and then with a frequent brush. If the wool is too matted, you need to use a special mat cutter or scissors with rounded ends.
It is better not to cut the tangle “at the root”, but cut it along the hair growth and try to comb it out with a comb and brush. Most likely, the cat will protest, so you will need a partner who will hold it tightly, but carefully.
In the future, it is important to prevent the formation of tangles in the pet: comb out dead hair regularlyprovide him with a quality diet and monitor his health. Then the furry friend will invariably delight with a beautiful, well-groomed and shiny coat.
See also:
How to properly brush a cat When does a cat need professional grooming? 7 Tips for Daily Cat Care