Colored canaries
The group of breeds of colored canaries includes birds with different plumage colors. At the moment, more than 100 of them have been bred and they are divided into melanin and lipochromic.
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In the photo: colored canaries. Photo: google.by
Canarian Canary Finch (Serinus canaria)
The group of breeds of colored canaries includes birds with different plumage colors. At the moment, more than 100 of them have been bred and they are divided into melanin and lipochromic.
Melanin colored canaries include birds with dark plumage, which arises from a protein pigment in the feather cells. These birds include red, brown, gray and black canaries. They can have not only uniform, but also colorful, symmetrical or asymmetric patterns. Pure black canaries have not been bred, they usually have a different basic plumage color and black feather edging.
Lipochrome colored canaries are lighter in color due to the dilute fats found in the bird’s body. These are orange, yellow and red birds. Their color is monophonic, red-eyed individuals can be found among them.
A pleasant addition to a beautiful and bright bird can be its ability to sing, although it is not fundamental to the assessment of each individual breed. However, although skillful singers can be found among colored canaries, they cannot be compared with singing canaries.
I would like to note a very bright representative in this group – red canary. The breeding of this breed has an interesting history, since the natural canary does not have a red color in its color, therefore, to obtain this breed, it was necessary to cross a canary with a related bird with a red plumage color – the Chilean fiery siskin. As a result of a huge selection work, it was possible to breed completely red birds.