Cleaner’s dream: non-shedding and odorless cats
There’s nothing you can do. All fur cats shed. The fluffier the pet, the more wool from it. Pets living outside the city usually molt in spring and autumn. And urban tailed residents develop “apartment” molting. The air temperature in the room is almost the same all year round, and cats shed a little bit, but constantly.

If every day you stroke your pet at least a couple of times with wet hands or a rubber mitten, then you will collect outdated outer hair.
Cat breeders are also people, and once (perhaps in the process of beating a carpet or shaking out a bedspread) they – regardless of their country of residence – wanted to breed a breed that would not shed, but at the same time would not smell. Of course, cats in this regard are not dogs, which are much “fragrant”, but there is still a slight specific smell from animals. To date, the task of breeding a non-shedding and non-smelling pet has not yet been fully completed, but there is already someone to choose from.
It must be said that naked cats are closest to the ideal of a clean perfectionist. They simply do not have wool (well, practically), and the barely noticeable smell is easily removed by wiping the skin with wet wipes. These include the sphinxes
Not a lot of wool and from Rex. Their “karakul” fur coats have no undercoat and hardly shed. And there is no smell.
If a cat’s fur suddenly starts to shed, it may be due to stress, a hormonal storm, or ill health. Watch out for problems: if there is no reason for stress and a surge of hormones, take the animal to the veterinarian.

Cats from the Siamese-Oriental group are also suitable for lovers of cleanliness. By the way, here the merits of felinologists are minimized. Everything was done by nature itself. There are cats that genetically do not have an undercoat. Their distant ancestors lived in a warm climate, and with the change of season there was no need to “change clothes” from a winter coat into a summer one. What are these breeds?