Choosing a name for a puppy-boy of dwarf breeds
Soon a new member will appear in your family – a charming four-legged baby. Of course, I want him to grow up as the best, everyone’s favorite and handsome, and have the most beautiful name. The breeder, as a rule, gives the puppies from the litter fanciful names, where the factory name is also added to the proper name: Ralph Fast Brook or Alma Korolevskaya Polyana. At best, there is no such name, but there is a breeder’s recommendation on which letter of the alphabet should be given nicknames to puppies of this litter. However, if you are not going to exhibit your dog or engage in breeding, then these recommendations may not be followed.
How to choose the right nickname for a puppy so that it fits the external signs of the breed, the character of the dog and likes the owner himself?
To make the pet like the nickname
Often a dog’s nickname is chosen based on its external features. It can be a funny tail, unusual spots in color, curls on the skin. For example, Tail, Bull, Ball. They are also called the nicknames of famous dogs, sung in literature and cinema – Bim, Jim, Mukhtar, Dzhulbars.
Also, nicknames for dogs are given in honor of the favorite heroes of books and films. At different times, the nicknames Zorro, Rimbaud, Simba, and even Fantomas were in vogue.
Recently, it has become fashionable to call pets by the names of actors, fashion designers, and the names of various companies. Often on dog playgrounds you can hear the nicknames of Mickey, Gucci, Dior, iPhone.
When choosing a dog name, it is very important to take into account all the features of the pet: breed, height, appearance, character. It looks funny if a huge shepherd dog is called Busik or Yashka, and a miniature Yorkie is Thunder or Polkan. The nicknames Screw, Quick, Wind are not suitable for a melancholy and calm dog. And a temperamental dog should not be called “sofa” nicknames, like Masik or Morpheus.
Determining whether the nickname is liked by its owner is very simple. If the dog responds with pleasure when it is called, reacts lively and joyfully, then you have chosen a good name for the pet.
How to choose a nickname that doesn’t look like a team
It is best if the nickname is short and easy to pronounce. Dogs react only to the first two or three sounds, so a long name may not be remembered for a long time. It is also necessary that the nickname does not resemble any command with its sound. For example, “Funtik” is clearly associated with the “fu”, “Sydney” – with “sit”, “Lesha” – with “lie down”, “Pockmarked” or “Ryabko” – with “next”. Such confusion is best avoided.
Russian nicknames are back in fashion
In addition to foreign nicknames, Russians do not lose popularity either. Their advantage is that it is easier to remember such a nickname for anyone: a small child and an elderly person. In addition, by the Russian-language nickname, the attitude of the owner to the dog, the features of its character, are immediately clear. Faceless Gray or Argo are an empty sound for the Russian ear. And Faithful, Bumblebee, Friend, Ball, immediately give the desired association.
For small dogs – boys, you can pick up Russian original nicknames: Call, Screw, Tuzik, Belchik, Zhuzhik, Wind. It is also good to use proper names: Miron, Kuzya, Taras, Phil, Monya. Such nicknames will be easily perceived by the dog and will be liked by others.
Each breed has its own name. And here we will give nicknames suitable for representatives of different breeds. Maybe one of them will suit your friend.
Nicknames for various breeds of small dogs
Chihuahua – a cute dog that looks like a soft toy. She can calmly expect attention to herself for hours, but will be offended if she is unfairly shouted at. Not cowardly, not hysterical and very observant. Obedient, affectionate, gets along well with others. Sometimes jealous, but not aggressive. Chihuahua can be called Teddy, Denis, Chip, Mosya, Pixel.
Yorkshire Terrier. Like any terrier, he is energetic and fearless. The Yorkie does not like to waste energy on barking, but he does not lack courage and even cockiness. Easily finds a common language with both people and animals. Quite child friendly. Gets used to all family members and is hard to endure separation or change of owners. Favorite – York is quite worthy of such nicknames as Kelvin, Cupid, Beads, Neon, Dar.
Russian toy terrier. A real energizer. If you do not pay due attention to walking with him and outdoor games, he will misbehave at home. In general, he is a smart, intelligent and very positive dog. It would be good to call him – Agate, Rogue, Richie, Amber, Bambi.
Ratlik (Ratlik). A miniature rat-catcher who enjoys living in a city apartment, but has not lost his hunting instinct. Mobile, temperamental, while very affectionate and sensitive to the owner. An excellent companion. Popular nicknames for the Prague rat are Black, Lead, Bantik, Austin, Bobby.
Pomeranian Spitz. Fluffy with the character of a leader. Mobile, sociable, friendly, jealously guards its territory. Loves people and recognizes their authority. But among the quadrupeds, it will always strive for a leading role. Nicknames for the Pomeranian: Bubo, Joy, Bonya, Charlik, Askold.
toy fox terrier. A charming baby, whose progenitor was a smooth-haired fox terrier. Very sociable nature, loves to travel and hates to be alone. Pet names can be given as follows: Basik, Miron, Felix, Nikki, Sam (Sammy).
Japanese Hin. On the surface, this dog does not seem serious. Glorious muzzle, affectionate eyes, soft fur. But looks are deceiving. The Japanese Chin, though rarely emotional, is a fearless and loyal dog. It is well trained, friendly and keeps absolute fidelity to the owner. If necessary, he will protect, not being afraid of either large dogs or other frightening factors. Khins are often called: Elvis, Robbie, Yashka, Seva, Gucci.
English toy terrier. These cute dogs are descended from Whippets. That’s why they are so mobile, funny, sociable and a little hooligan. As mentioned above, there are two varieties: English toy terrier and Russian. When choosing a nickname, you can take this into account and give “national” names to your pets. Or you can just choose a name that suits your dog. For example, an English toy terrier can be called Monya, Lavrik, Roy, Sherlock, Pete.
PapillonHe is a continental spaniel. A charming creature with a silent gait and a sweet, kind and hospitable character. Very attached to the owner, sensitive to his mood and does not like loneliness. Nicknames are suitable for a cute eared: Icarus, Alvin, Henry, Monya, Louis.
Bolognese or Italian lap dog. It has long been the best friend of the Italian nobility. A cute fluffy ball of snow-white wool with a very friendly and sociable disposition. Bolognese boys will proudly wear the following nicknames: Etienne, Bruno, Mark, Snowball, Bobblehead.
Maltese. Handsome blond. Despite its increased sensitivity and tenderness, it is very mobile. She loves games with the owner, where you have to run. And in appearance – just an angel, with his long white fur and smart dark eyes. The Maltese blonde might like the nicknames: White, White, Angel, Zephyr, Diamond.
That poodle. The epitome of grace. Energetic, intelligent, with an elegant gait and a funny curly coat. This charming dog lends itself well to training and easily finds a common language with all family members. A little pet can be called: Fantik, Germont, Topaz, Orpheus, Artemon.
Now you know how you can choose a good nickname for your little pet, one that he himself likes and matches his character. May the chosen name bring good luck to your pet!