Chinese trionics: turtle care features
The Chinese Trionix or the Far Eastern tortoise is a freshwater tortoise with a soft shell and a bizarre trunk on the muzzle. Exotic appearance and active behavior helped the unusual pet win the hearts of nature lovers. We will tell you what difficulties in caring for a turtle you should be prepared for if you decide to have this pet with character at home.
The amazing appearance of the Far Eastern tortoise immediately attracts attention. Like all turtles, it has a beautiful shell that covers the dorsal region and belly.
The shell of the Chinese Trionix can reach 20 to 40 centimeters in length, it is covered with soft skin. The upper part of the tortoise’s armor is olive green with a brown tint, possibly with yellowish spots. The underside of the carapace is orange in juveniles and light yellow or white-pink in older individuals. In females, the tail remains small, in males it grows, a light longitudinal stripe appears on the tail. Females are slightly larger than males. On average, an adult Chinese Trionics weighs about four and a half kilograms. A responsible, caring owner has a Far Eastern tortoise that lives for about 25 years.
Long neck, slightly elongated turtle head, muzzle ends in a long proboscis with nostrils. Flexible and agile Trionix can easily reach its own tail with its proboscis. The limbs have five fingers, and on three – sharp claws. These turtles are active, agile, excellent swimmers, and it is very curious to observe their habits.
In nature, the Chinese trionics can be found not only in Asia, but also in Russia, in the southern part of the Far East. It prefers rivers and lakes with a calm current and a gentle shore, where it is convenient to bask in the sun.
The Chinese Trionics spends the lion’s share of the time in the water, vigorously plows the expanses of the terrarium. For a happy life, one adult turtle will need a terrarium with a lid of 200 liters, and preferably 250 liters at once. Sand is best suited as a soil, the layer thickness is 10-15 centimeters.
The Chinese Trionics is a solitary predator. You should not add another trionix to him, “so that they have more fun together.” This approach threatens aggression and skirmishes for territory. The turtle will simply eat fish, snails and other aquarium inhabitants. Do not contradict nature, let your ward be a kind of lone wolf.
But freshwater turtles who prefer solitude are not at all picky in their diet. But do not rely on their omnivorous nature, it is better to choose the right food for them under the guidance of a veterinarian. It is important not to overfeed the pet, it is enough for an adult to eat two to three times a week. The Far Eastern tortoise loves to eat properly. Remaining food and waste products pollute the water, so a powerful filter is indispensable.
Aeration also does not hurt, because these interesting creatures have far from the most common respiratory system. They mostly breathe through their trunks, so be sure to leave a good air gap between the water column and the lid of the terrarium. In the skin of the Chinese Trionix, there are many blood vessels that allow the turtle to breathe through the skin both in water and on land. The Far Eastern tortoise even has an analogue of the gills, these are fleecy processes on the surface of the pharynx, which also perform the function of the respiratory organs.
What kind of water do trionics like? +24-29 – the most for them. The air above the water needs to be made a little warmer than the water itself, but +32 is the limit, the summer heat will not suit the pet at all. To achieve the desired temperature, you will have to purchase a heater. A thermometer will help control the situation with the temperature regime.
No matter how much Trionics splashes in the water, from time to time he needs to go ashore. One-fifth of the area of the terrarium is enough space for an island of land, consider a lift convenient for the turtle so that you can go ashore without difficulty. On land, the pet needs to dry and warm up. You will need both heating lamps and UV lamps, because at home there is very little sun. It is important to install the lamps at some distance from the turtle’s resting place so that the pet does not get burned.
The Chinese trionyx not only swims well, but also runs briskly on land. That is why the terrarium should be equipped with a lid. The pet will not miss the opportunity to escape. Please note that being away from water for more than two hours can harm Trionyx.
Despite the cute funny appearance, the Far Eastern tortoise is very aggressive and is not inclined to establish contact with a person.
Even if you raised an adult Trionix from a tiny baby turtle, don’t expect love and gratitude. You won’t be able to play with Trionics. He should be disturbed only if necessary to conduct an examination and make sure that he is in good health. The body of the pet is very fragile and tender. But strong jaws are a formidable weapon, a turtle can really bite you. Be careful, Trionyx can easily bite through a snail shell, so it is important to follow safety precautions. Handle Trionix with protective gloves and only by the back of the shell.
The Far Eastern tortoise is a master of disguise. Its smooth, rounded shell allows it to burrow into silt or sand and become almost invisible.
The Chinese Trionics will not become your soul mate, like a dog or a parrot. But exotic lovers will be delighted with their unusual ward. It is important to remember that keeping a Far Eastern tortoise requires knowledge, responsible care and some experience. We believe that under your supervision, an exotic pet will live a long and happy life.