Chinese ringed parrot (Psittacula derbiana)
Bird Breeds

Chinese ringed parrot (Psittacula derbiana)






ringed parrots


Chinese ringed parrot


The body length of the Chinese ringed parrot reaches 40 – 50 cm, the tail length is 28 cm. Most of the plumage is green, the bridle and forehead are black, and the top of the head is bluish-black. A wide black band runs along the sides of the head from the bottom of the beak. The chest and neck are blue-gray. The tail feathers are blue-green below and blue-gray above. The upper part of the beak of the male is red, the mandible is black. The beak of the female is entirely black.

Chinese ringed parrot (Psittacula derbiana)Photo:

Chinese ringed parrots live up to 30 years.


Chinese ringed parrots inhabit Southeast Tibet, Southwest China and Hainan Island (South China Sea). They live in high-trunked tropical forests and wooded areas of the highlands (up to 4000 meters above sea level). These parrots prefer to stay in family groups or small flocks. They feed on seeds, fruits, nuts and green parts of plants.


Character and temperament

Chinese parrots are very interesting pet birds. They have a thick tongue, excellent hearing and a wonderful memory, so they easily remember and reproduce words, imitate human speech. And they quickly learn a variety of funny tricks. But at the same time they have a rather sharp, unpleasant voice, sometimes they are noisy.

Maintenance and care

The Chinese ringed parrot will need a strong and spacious cage, horizontal and rectangular, all-metal, equipped with a good lock. The rods must be horizontal. Be sure to let the bird fly in a safe area. This will help prevent obesity and will have a good effect on the general condition and development of your feathered friend. Be sure to place toys for large parrots in the cage, as small toys will become unusable at once. The cage is placed in a place protected from drafts, at eye level. One side should be turned to the wall – so the parrot will feel more comfortable and safe. Ideal room temperature: +22 … +25 degrees. Feeders and drinkers are cleaned every day. Toys and perches are washed as needed. Every week the cage needs to be washed and disinfected, the aviary is disinfected every month. Every day they clean the bottom of the cage, twice a week – the floor of the enclosure. Replace household items (perches, toys, feeders, etc.) as necessary.


Chinese ringed parrots eat all kinds of crops. Barley, peas, wheat and corn are pre-soaked. Oats, millet and sunflower seeds are given in dry form. Chinese ringed parrots are happy to eat “milk” corn, and the chicks need it. Vitamin feed must be present all year round in the diet: greens (especially dandelion leaves), vegetables, fruits and berries ( rowan, strawberry, currant, cherry, blueberry, etc.) 

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