Check out how this dog decorated the wedding photos of his owners!
Dogs are masters at timing! Do you have an amazing, romantic or very serious event in mind? Maybe a wedding is planned? Don’t forget to invite a four-legged dog who will definitely help make it even more fun and dilute the magical photos with a couple of funny ones!photo: people.com
The result of the work of one of these professional photobombers exceeded all expectations.
Angie and Jace are newlyweds from the USA. The couple’s wedding took place in a very picturesque place, and their 6-year-old Labrador named Boone took an active part in it. During the ceremony, he was given a seat in the front rows.
Boone, of course, enjoyed what was happening, but, like any self-respecting dog, he did not forget to dilute the seriousness of the ceremony with a couple of funny appearances in the photo.
photo: people.com
The photographer invited to the wedding perfectly played along with Boone by capturing him on camera. And what was to be done? The action unfolded right during the exchange of vows.
“He is actually very obedient,” said the owner of the dog. “But in the end, I just couldn’t stand all the joy and turmoil around me and succumbed to emotions.”
photo: people.com
photo: people.com
Do you have funny photos with your pet?