Charlie and Asta
Dogs. Dogs have been my passion since childhood. I am one of those lucky people who started life with their best friend under one roof. When I was born, we already had a dog – Pekingese Charlie. Many childhood memories are associated with him. When I was a teenager, we got a bulldog, and a year before my marriage, my mother adopted a pug. All boys. All are black. Quite small outside. But I have always liked big dogs. And the Labrador just walked in a separate line. My marriage began with animals. On the day when we were supposed to fly away on our honeymoon, my husband dragged a knocked down kitten from the street. So it became clear that animals in our family are loved. Slowly, we discovered the world of those animals that need help. Whether it’s food, overexposure or just advertising on the Internet. We started to take it. Temporarily. Until the search for a new owner. That’s how Charlie got to us. The Labrador needed 2 weeks of overexposure. It was probably one of the best weeks of my life. Big, kind, smart dog… True, her appearance left much to be desired. Before getting into overexposure, she hung around at the station. Her chest spoke of the fact that she gave birth many, many times, most likely, a dog from the so-called divorcees. Charlie left us for a new home. And we, without wasting time, took a new dog – Asta. If Charlie – it was love at first sight, then Asta is a pity. They sent me a photo where the unfortunate dirty creature is lying on the ground… and my heart trembled. And we went after the poor fellow. True, some funny canine misunderstanding awaited us on the spot. The dog grabbed us by the sleeves of the jacket, jumped, tried to lick … We left the gas station together. By the way, the name appeared thanks to the gas station. We took her from the A-100. Therefore, Asta. After some time, I saw a post on the Internet that our Charlie again needed overexposure, because the new family did not work out. So she came to us for the second time. The dog looked even worse than the first time: all the skin in terrible combing, inflamed eyes … The time of going to the doctors began, and pretty soon Charlie turned into a real beauty! There was a difficult task ahead: to talk her husband into leaving Sharlunya in our family forever. But then the unexpected happened: Asta fell ill. Endless droppers, injections … My husband did all this. And when Asta got better, I decided to have a “serious” conversation. So 2 dogs remained forever in our house: an adult, reasonable, very tolerant of all Charlie and naughty, restless, harmful Asta. Photo from the personal archive of Anna Sharanok.